04/02/2018 - What does it take to get almost 100 hackers in one room to do some good work for the world? Make it wholesome. This past weekend, we had UT students gather in the SAC Ballroom in order to attempt to hack up a project that would promote good health and physical well-being. Though there is some irony in hosting wholesomeness in an event that cultivates sleepless nights and overdoses in coffee (especially in 24-48 hr hackathons), being amidst students who thrive (or suffer) in that environment produced many amazing projects! Read more
04/16/2017 - This past semester, I got accepted as a tech organizer for Freetail Hackers. By joining them, I've been able to have the wonderful opportunity to partner with many other students at UT with the vision of making hackathons smoothly run and amazing. I have to say that I really loved being in the org. The community within Freetail Hackers is really amazing, not only because of the miscellaneous Assassins game we hold or the various number of memes that get shared but also because of all the amazing leaders and skilled organizers I get to meet and work within the org. Read more
03/03/2017 - I haven't always loved hackathons. In fact, I used to think hackathons were rather dull. Because of a bad experience, a lack of coding ability, and no team, I found a lot of distaste in hackathons and completely shunned the idea. 24 hours staying up while stress gorging over fruit snacks and random assorted foods because of a project that may not be completed and needed to judges may look with dull looks on their faces? Not my ideal weekend. Read more

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