Related to life as a Turing Scholar

» Turing Scholars Student Association - The Turing Scholars Student Association (TSSA) provides professor pizza nights, bowling, and banquets for Turing Students, in addition to providing support and a sense of community as you progress through your degree.

» University Honors Center - The University Honors Center provides common resources for the various UT honors programs.  The center is located in the basement of Carothers Residence Hall at 2501 Whitis Avenue.

» Joynes Reading Room - Housed in the Honors Center, the Joynes Reading Room provides a convenient location to study or hold seminars and includes a collection of books and DVD's.

» Honors Dormitories - Students in the Turing Scholars Honors Program are eligible to apply for the special honors dorms that house students from UT's various honors programs.

» Information about Financial Aid - We currently have a limited number of scholarships available directly through the Turing Scholars Honors Program.

Other Honors Programs

» Honors Thesis and Graduation with Special Departmental Honors - Students with strong academic records who want to get involved in research and write an honors thesis are invited to apply for admission to the Special Honors Program.

» Dean's Scholars Program - The Dean's Scholars Program offers exceptional science and mathematics majors a unique opportunity to enrich their undergraduate education in the College of Natural Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin.

» Health Science Scholars Program - The Health Science Scholars Program is an honors program for those with an interest in health professions.

» Polymathic Scholars Program - The Polymathic Scholars Program allows strong science students to define their own customized interdisciplinary certificate programs.

» Plan II - Plan II is a selective four-year interdisciplinary arts and sciences major that leads from a broad and strenuous core curriculum in the early college years to a student's own choice of coursework in the later ones.

» Engineering Honors

» Business Honors

» Liberal Arts Honors