
A Low Cost Ground Truth Detection System Using the Kinect

Ground truth detection systems can be a crucial step in evaluating and improving algorithms for self-localization on mobile robots. Selecting a ground truth system depends on its cost, as well as on the detail and accuracy of the information it provides. In this paper, we present a low cost, portable and real-time solution constructed using the Microsoft Kinect RGB-D Sensor. We use this system to find the location of robots and the orange ball in the Standard Platform League (SPL) environment in the RoboCup competition. This system is fairly easy to calibrate, and does not require any special identifiers on the robots. We also provide a detailed experimental analysis to measure the accuracy of the data provided by this system. Although presented for the SPL, this system can be adapted for use with any indoor structured environment where ground truth information is required.

Full details of our approach are available in the following paper:

Source Code

The source code and instructions to set up this system are publicly available in the form of a ROS (Robot Operating System) Package.

Installation and usage instructions are available at the wiki page:

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