PRISM: Pose Registration for Integrated Semantic Mapping (2018)
Justin W. Hart, Rishi Shah, Sean Kirmani, Nick Walker, Kathryn Baldauf, Nathan John, and Peter Stone
Many robotics applications involve navigating to positions specified in terms of their semantic significance. A robot operating in a hotel may need to deliver room service to a named room. In a hospital, it may need to deliver medication to a patient's room. The Building-Wide Intelligence Project at UT Austin has been developing a fleet of autonomous mobile robots, called BWIBots, which perform tasks in the computer science department. Tasks include guiding a person, delivering a message, or bringing an object to a location such as an office, lecture hall, or classroom. The process of constructing a map that a robot can use for navigation has been simplified by modern SLAM algorithms. The attachment of semantics to map data, however, remains a tedious manual process of labeling locations in otherwise automatically generated maps. This paper introduces a system called PRISM to automate a step in this process by enabling a robot to localize door signs -- a semantic markup intended to aid the human occupants of a building -- and to annotate these locations in its map.
In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, Spain, October 2018.

Justin Hart Postdoctoral Fellow hart [at] cs utexas edu
Peter Stone Faculty pstone [at] cs utexas edu
Nick Walker Undergraduate Alumni nswalker [at] cs uw edu