CLA: The Constructivist Learning Architecture
Active from 1998 - 2004
The Constructivist Learning Architecture (CLA) is a model of infant cognitive development. This model is based on a constructivist information-processing approach to cognitive development, which postulates that Piagetic stages of development are a characteristic of infants' learning capabilities. The claim is that a single information processing mechanism can account for developmental change throughout development and across domain. CLA is implemented using a hierarchy of Self-Organizing Maps, in which higher-level maps learn patterns of activation in lower-level maps.
The Constructivist Learning Architecture: A Model of Cognitive Development for Robust Autonomous Robots 2004
Harold H. Chaput, PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin. Also Technical Report TR-04-34.
Constructivist Learning: A Neural Implementation of the Schema Mechanism 2003
Harold H. Chaput, Benjamin Kuipers and Risto Miikkulainen, In Proceedings of WSOM '03: Workshop for Self-Organizing Maps, Kitakyushu, Japan 2003.
A Model Of Infant Causal Perception And Its Development 2001
Harold H. Chaput and Leslie B. Cohen, In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 182-187 2001.
Post-Piagetian constructivism for grounded knowledge acquisition 2001
Harold H. Chaput, In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium Series on Grounded Knoweldge, Palo Alto, CA 2001.