NEAT C++ Original
Released 2001
The NEAT package contains source code implementing the NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies method. The source code is written in C++. NEAT is a method for evolving speciated neural networks of arbitrary structures and sizes. NEAT leverages the evolution of structure to make neuroevolution more efficient. For more information on NEAT, see our paper on NEAT or the Neuroevolution page.

The package includes implementations of experiments for XOR, single pole balancing, and both Markovian and non-Markovian double pole balancing. A 17-page postscript documentation file is included to make getting started easier.

For answers to common questions, refer to our FAQ .

Please contact for comments, including ideas or plans for expanding the open source software.
v1.0 8/16/01 kstanley
v1.1 7/14/02 kstanley
-removed extraneous files from package
-fixed array bound error
-made text output default on instead of off

Kenneth Stanley Postdoctoral Alumni kstanley [at] cs ucf edu
Neuroevolution 2010
Risto Miikkulainen, In Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, New York 2010. Springer.
Competitive Coevolution through Evolutionary Complexification 2004
Kenneth O. Stanley and Risto Miikkulainen, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 21 (2004), pp. 63-100.
Continual Coevolution Through Complexification 2002
Kenneth O. Stanley and Risto Miikkulainen, In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2002), William B. Langdon and Erick Cantu-Paz and Keith E. Mathias and Rajkumar Roy and David Davis and Riccardo Pol...