Computational modeling of language impairment and control in bilingual individuals with post-stroke aphasia and neurodegenerative disorders
Active from 2023 - 2028
The project seeks to comprehend the intersection between bilingualism and neurological/neurodegenerative disorders, like dementia and strokes, using computational simulations. Given the wide variation in how bilingual speakers process their languages, particularly in the face of neurological disorders, the project will employ the BiLex computational model. This model has already shown promise in simulating bilingual language processing impairments post-stroke and in dementia. The research aims to enhance BiLex to better capture semantic effects (BiLex 2.0), document changes over time in recovery and decline of semantic processing abilities (BiLex 3.0), and model bilingual language selection and control (BiLex 4.0). The ultimate goal is to utilize these advanced computational models to accurately represent and predict bilingual neurological patient behaviors, facilitating the design of personalized treatments for improved outcomes.
Uli Grasemann Postdoctoral Alumni uli [at] cs utexas edu
Swathi Kiran Collaborator kirans [at] bu edu
Chloe Chen Ph.D. Student
Modeling Bilingualism as a Dynamic Phenomenon in Healthy and Neurologically Affected Speakers Across the Lifespan (Commentary) 2023
Claudia Penaloza, Uli Grasemann, Risto Miikkulainen, Swathi Kiran, Language Learning, Vol. . (2023).
Constructing Individualized Computational Models for Dementia Patients 2022
Peggy Fidelman, Uli Grasemann, Claudia Penaloza, Michael Scimeca, Yakeel T. Quiroz, Swathi Kiran, Risto Miikkulainen, In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2022.