# /bin/csh # set nqthmsources="ftp://ftp.cs.utexas.edu/pub/boyer/nqthm/nqthm-2nd-edition.tar.gz" # # The standard cvs command, which gets the latest 2.7.0, is one command: # set cvsgcl = "cvs -z3 -Q -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sv.gnu.org:/sources/gcl checkout gcl" # # To use CVS to get an older version seems to require two commands: # setenv CVSROOT :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sv.gnu.org:/sources/gcl # set cvsgcl = "cvs -z9 -q co -d gcl -D 20051214 gcl" # # For now, we just want the latest 2.7.0: set cvsgcl = "cvs -z3 -Q -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sv.gnu.org:/sources/gcl checkout gcl" # set mailto="boyer@cs.utexas.edu" set tmpdir=`pwd`/$$tmp date echo "\ Trying to time test Nqthm-1992 in Gnu Common Lisp 2.7.0 (aka cvs head).\ This may take a couple of hours, in 2006 anyway.\ Output will be written to the file ${tmpdir}/time-nqthm.text.\ At the conclusion, summary mail will be sent to ${mailto}.\ We now delete the directory ${tmpdir}, if it exists, and then recreate it.\ Look at the end of the file ${tmpdir}/time-nqthm.text for the string\ All Nqthm-1992 tests completed successfully.\ That text precedes the sought timing results for doing the Nqthm proofs.\ GCL will be built in ${tmpdir}/gcl\ Nqthm will be built in ${tmpdir}/nqthm-1992\ To later run this GCL execute ${tmpdir}/gcl/bin/gcl\ To later run the Nqthm execute ${tmpdir}/nqthm-1992/nqthm-1992\ To flush all files created do rm -rf ${tmpdir}" rm -rf ${tmpdir} mkdir ${tmpdir} cd ${tmpdir} # echo '(in-package "USER") (load "nqthm.lisp") (compile-nqthm) (load-nqthm)\ (setq si::*multiply-stacks* 4) \ (si::chdir "examples") \ (load "dir.lisp") \ (load "driver.lisp")' > time-nqthm-helper.text # echo "Trying to fetch Nqthm." echo "Trying to time test Nqthm-1992 in Gnu Common Lisp 2.7.0 (aka cvs head)." >& time-nqthm.text echo "Nqthm-1992 sources fetched from ${nqthmsources}." >>& time-nqthm.text echo "GCL sources fetched from ${cvsgcl}." >>& time-nqthm.text cat /proc/cpuinfo >>& time-nqthm.text echo "One may wish to tail -f ${tmpdir}/time-nqthm.text to watch the progress." cat /proc/meminfo >>& time-nqthm.text wget ${nqthmsources} >>& time-nqthm.text echo "Got Nqthm." # tar vzxf nqthm-2nd-edition.tar.gz >>& time-nqthm.text # echo "Trying to fetch GCL." ${cvsgcl} >>& time-nqthm.text echo "Got GCL." cd gcl echo "Building GCL." time nice ./configure --quiet --silent --enable-ansi \ --disable-statsysbfd --enable-locbfd \ >>& ../time-nqthm.text echo "That was GCL configure time." echo "Making GCL." time nice make >>& ../time-nqthm.text echo "That was GCL make time." cd ../nqthm-1992 echo "Trying to build and run Nqthm-1992." time nice ../gcl/bin/gcl < ../time-nqthm-helper.text >>& ../time-nqthm.text echo "That was Nqthm-1992 building and proving time." cd .. head -100 time-nqthm.text > mailtmp tail -20 time-nqthm.text >> mailtmp sendmail -i boyer@cs.utexas.edu < mailtmp echo "Mail sent." date