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The C-Breeze Class Hierarchy

This section describes the major components of C-Breeze's C++ class hierarchy, which is rooted in the Node class. Not all fields or member functions are described; some fields are seldom used or are just used for internal C-Breeze bookkeeping. The complete class hierarchy is available in the on-line documentation, and the header file ast.h contains the declarations for all the node types. Nodes follow the C++ convention that all data fields are private, being accessed through member functions with related names. Before describing these major classes, we define some terminology and conventions.

Note: Some fields are not initialized in the initial AST. You may have to set them yourself, or you may have to call another function to set them for you. For example, the fields for keeping type information for each expression node are set by the semantic checker and the dismantler.


Adam C. Brown 2006-01-26