Summary of results from Dean Questionnaire


This is a summary of the responses from the Formal Methods focus group of the (UK based) Learning and Teaching Support Group for Computer Science and Information Technology.



   1) What software have you used in teaching formal methods?


·        Z

Z Specific Formaliser (3)

CadiZ (3)

Fuzz (2)



Z Browser


·        B

B Tool(2)


·        SDL

Telelogic TAU


·        Lotos





·        PVS


·        VDM

ToolBox Lite


·        CSP

Kramer & McGee (KM) model checker

                        FDR model checker


·        Design CPN

Concurrency Workbench


·        ML


·        No software used (5)


2)    How have you used the software in your teaching?
In particular how have you:


    a) taught its use as a tool for doing formal methods, or


Z Specific Formaliser (3), CadiZ(2), Fuzz(2), Z/EVES, TOPO, LOLA, PVS,
B Tool, KM model checker,
Concurrency Workbench, ZTC


    b) used it as a tool for teaching/learning the concepts of FM?


Z Specific Formaliser (2), CadiZ, Telelogic TAU, SEDOS, TOPO,Fuzz, Z/EVES, PVS, ToolBox Lite, B Tool, Concurrency Workbench, FDR model checker, Fuzz,
Z Browser




3)    At what levels have you used it?


a) undergraduate courses, or


Z Specific Formaliser (2) , CadiZ, Telelogic TAU, SEDOS, TOPO,
ToolBox Lite, B Tool, KM model checker,
Concurrency Workbench, Fuzz, ZTC



     b) postgraduate courses?


            B Tool, Telelogic TAU, SEDOS, TOPO, ToolBox Lite (M.Sc. Conversion),

            Concurrency Workbench, FDR model checker, ZTC



   4)   What resources have you used in support? For example:


a)      textbooks;


Turner, “Using Formal Description Techniques”


Jacky, “The Way of Z”

Potter, Sinclair & Till (2), “Introduction to … Z.”

Lightfoot, “Z”

Spivey, “Z Reference Manual”,

Woodcock and Davies, “Using Z”

Currie, “The Essence of Z”

Diller (2), “Z”


Ellsberger et al. “SDL”


Fitzgerald & Larson, “Modelling Systems”


Unknown  (3)


       b)  short courses;


Unknown     (1)       


c)      on-line tutorials/manuals.




               Own materials, CadiZ


    No such material used (3)


            d) own handouts (3)


            e) other web based resources

                        Z, CadiZ


            f) mailing lists

                        Z/EVES, PVS