Robustness in the Salus scalable block store Yang Wang, Lakshmi Ganesh, Manos Kaprtisos, Jeevitha Kirubanandam Prince Mahajan, Zuocheng Ren, Mark Silberstein, Lorenzo Alvisi Mike Dahlin, and Michael Walfish This paper describes Salus, a scalable block store optimized for robustness. Salus is designed to remain safe (i.e., its blocks are consistent and durable) and live (i.e., its blocks are available) despite frequent crash and omission failures as well as occasional comission failures by its servers. One might worry that such increased protection would come at the cost of performance or scalability, but Salus often actually outperforms HBase (the codebase from which Salus descends.) For example, Salus's active replication allows it to halve network bandwidth while increasing aggregate write throughput by a factor of 1.81 compared to HBase in a well-provisioned system.