CS 378  Natural Language Processing
Elaine Rich


This will be a project-oriented course. It is also a writing component course. In the first few weeks of the semester, we will divide into teams of about three people. Each team will choose a project. Projects may focus on specific component technologies (e.g., morphological analysis or parsing) or they may focus on application areas (e.g., text retrieval or machine translation). In either case, we will look for existing components that can be used or modified so that, by the end of the semester, each team will have built something interesting.

The first step toward doing the project will be a short paper that surveys the current state of the art in the chosen area. After that, work on building the project will get underway.

At the end of the semester, each group will demo its project and write a short final paper describing both the strengths and the weaknesses of the system that was built.