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Unit 3.3.6 Micro-kernel with packed data

void Gemm_MRxNRKernel_Packed( int k,
		        double *MP_A, double *MP_B, double *C, int ldC )
  __m256d gamma_0123_0 = _mm256_loadu_pd( &gamma( 0,0 ) );
  __m256d gamma_0123_1 = _mm256_loadu_pd( &gamma( 0,1 ) );
  __m256d gamma_0123_2 = _mm256_loadu_pd( &gamma( 0,2 ) );
  __m256d gamma_0123_3 = _mm256_loadu_pd( &gamma( 0,3 ) );

  __m256d beta_p_j;
  for ( int p=0; p<k; p++ ){
    /* load alpha( 0:3, p ) */
    __m256d alpha_0123_p = _mm256_loadu_pd( MP_A );

    /* load beta( p, 0 ); update gamma( 0:3, 0 ) */
    beta_p_j = _mm256_broadcast_sd( MP_B );
    gamma_0123_0 = _mm256_fmadd_pd( alpha_0123_p, beta_p_j, gamma_0123_0 );

    /* load beta( p, 1 ); update gamma( 0:3, 1 ) */
    beta_p_j = _mm256_broadcast_sd( MP_B+1 );
    gamma_0123_1 = _mm256_fmadd_pd( alpha_0123_p, beta_p_j, gamma_0123_1 );

    /* load beta( p, 2 ); update gamma( 0:3, 2 ) */
    beta_p_j = _mm256_broadcast_sd( MP_B+2 );
    gamma_0123_2 = _mm256_fmadd_pd( alpha_0123_p, beta_p_j, gamma_0123_2 );

    /* load beta( p, 3 ); update gamma( 0:3, 3 ) */
    beta_p_j = _mm256_broadcast_sd( MP_B+3 );
    gamma_0123_3 = _mm256_fmadd_pd( alpha_0123_p, beta_p_j, gamma_0123_3 );

    MP_A += MR;
    MP_B += NR;

  /* Store the updated results.  This should be done more carefully since
     there may be an incomplete micro-tile. */
  _mm256_storeu_pd( &gamma(0,0), gamma_0123_0 );
  _mm256_storeu_pd( &gamma(0,1), gamma_0123_1 );
  _mm256_storeu_pd( &gamma(0,2), gamma_0123_2 );
  _mm256_storeu_pd( &gamma(0,3), gamma_0123_3 );

Figure 3.3.8. Blocking for multiple levels of cache, with packing.

How to modify the five loops to incorporate packing was discussed in Unit 3.3.5. A micro-kernel to compute with the packed data when \(m_R \times n_R = 4 \times 4 \) is now illustrated in Figure 3.3.8.


Copy the file Gemm_4x4Kernel_Packed.c into file Gemm_12x4Kernel_Packed.c. Modify that file so that it uses \(m_R \times n_R = 12 \times 4 \text{.}\) Test the result with

make Five_Loops_Packed_12x4Kernel

and view the resulting performance with Live Script Plot_Five_Loops.mlx.



On Robert's laptop:

Now we are getting somewhere!


In Homework, you determined the best block sizes MC and KC. Now that you have added packing to the implementation of the five loops around the micro-kernel, these parameters need to be revisited. You can collect data for a range of choices by executing

make Five_Loops_Packed_?x?Kernel_MCxKC

where ?x? is your favorite choice for register blocking. View the result with data/Plot_Five_loops.mlx.