
What is libFLAME?

libFLAME is a high performance dense linear algebra library that is the result of the FLAME methodology for systematically developing dense linear algebra libraries. The FLAME methodology is radically different from the LINPACK/LAPACK approach that dates back to the 1970s. For more information about the methodology, visit the Methodology page.

The source code for libflame is now hosted via github. We recommend using:

    git clone

to download the source code. This will allow you to easily keep your local clone up-to-date as the github source code is updated. So, after you have created your local clone, you can simply run:

    git pull

to fetch and merge the latest changes into your local copy of libflame.

Users may post questions and comments about libflame to the libflame-discuss mailing list. (For now, developers are also encouraged to use this list to communicate with one another.)

What's provided by libFLAME?

The following libflame features benefit both basic and advanced users, as well as library developers: