
The required textbook is Computer Graphics with OpenGL (3rd Edition) by Hearn and Baker. The book is due in the Coop by Wednesday, September 17.

Here are some other textbooks that people have been finding useful for Java graphics programming.

For Java, On to Java, by Winston and Narashima, explains things like Threads and the AWT.

Java 2D Graphics by Jonathan Knudsen and Building Imaging Applications in Java by Rodrigues cover a lot of Java 2D material.

Java 3D Programming by Daniel Selman and Java 3d API Jump Start by Walsh and Gehringer are good for Java 3D.

You will probably need a reference book for Java, although you might be able to get by using the on-line documentation; see the links. Your textbook from CS303e should be fine, or you might want to buy a ``real'' reference book, such as Core Java, by Cay Horstmann. The Java Programming Language by Ken Arnold, James Gosling, David Holmes, or the Java in a nutshell and Java Foundation Classes in a nutshell books by David Flanagan.

You might also want to buy The Renderman Companion, by Steve Upstill. We may spend some time on Renderman towards the end of the course; this book goes into much more detail, which you might like if you are really interested in high-quality rendering.

There will be some handouts in lecture, and we will use online resources like the tutorials and reference pages for Java.

Don Fussell