Student presentations - Dec 6 - double header 2:00-4:30 ===================== ~7.5 minutes total per presentation, details from TA 5 minute talk 2.5 minutes questions Outline: * Motivation and Problem * Approach * Results * Discussion Topics for 2nd exam - Dec 1 - Open book =================== Comprehensive exam, but focus on: - parametric curves [covered by Assn3] - parametric surfaces - subdivision surfaces & curves - particle systems [covered by Assn3] - projections and Z-buffer . perspective transformation Recap of what we've learned =========================== * outline of course * things you can learn about: . skills / methods of thinking/inquiry: proofs, mathematical analysis, coding (easy part) synthesis of complex systems (hard part), research (problem identification and solution generation; formalization of problems), critical thinking . facts . problem domain: - basic problem to be solved - physics, math in this case - tradeoffs: e.g. performance vs. fidelity - in our case: importance of *approximation*! . "best practices" -- proven approaches to solving problem . inherently domain-specific . but illuminate usefulness of basic CS ideas and makes them concrete . importance of learning through induction! . actual exposure to complexity and uncertainty * broad coverage of many topics: . continuous-domain math: . surface & curve representations . anti-aliasing . shading . sampling and numerical integration (transition to discrete domain) . 3D translation and rotation . physics . light transport . simple mechanics (particle systems) . material properties and interaction with light . basic data structures and algorithms . spatial data structures for ray tracing acceleration . visibility / hidden-surface problem . fact dump - human perception - display devices . best practices - how application problem is solved in practice. algorithms; data structures; factoring of problem; system organization; etc. This is 50% of the heart of "applications" areas. But beware of changes as time progresses! Relatively speaking, we have de-emphasized this material in this course! . performance optimization and system issues - Z-buffer algorithm and architecture - in large part an example of "best practices" What we have not covered in this class ====================================== Rendering: * Line rasterization * Triangle rasterization * Triangle clipping * Texture filtering, in detail * Procedural texturing -- noise, etc. * Geometric level-of-detail management; simplification algorithms * Z-buffer visibility culling algorithms * Z-buffer hacks (environment mapping; cube maps; ...) * REYES * other visibility algorithms (esp. old ones) * Global illumination in depth (this is another class) * Z-buffer and graphics hardware in depth (this is another class) * non-photorealistic rendering * volume rendering Modeling: * CSG * Image-based modelling: Acquiring and redisplaying real-world images Visualization: * Conveying information to user . scientific visualization . medical visualization . "information" visualization Physics: * Collision detection (in detail) * Fluids, flame, etc... (this is a whole course) Computational geometry: * Representation of meshes; operations on them; etc. Animation: * Lots of recent work in "steerable" animation User interfaces: * Mostly a 2D topic * Window systems Overall: * Could go into substantially more depth for every topic we examined. Graphics researchers at UT ========================== * Myself: - Systems-ish - Focus: real-time graphics; graphics architectures; single-chip parallel systems. - Questions: . Can we use global illumination algorithms, or approximations thereof, in real-time? What algorithms and architectures are appropriate? . What should the architecture and programming models for single-chip parallel architectures be? * Don Fussell - Also systems focused; but past work on light fields, fractals, ... * Chandrajit Bajaj - More mathematical - Surface and volume representations; modelling and visualization of protein docking, etc. * Bruce Naylor (adjunct) - BSP trees; audio rendering * Kelly Gaither (TACC research associate) - scientific visualization algorithms and systems (esp. volume rendering) Research resources ================== * SIGGRAPH * Graphics Hardware * Eurographics Rendering Conference * Interactive 3D Conference * IEEE Visualization Conference