CS 384G, CSE 382G

Computer Graphics

Fall 2013

About the class
Course syllabus
Lectures: MW, 11:00-12:30pm, GDC 6.202
Unique #: 54085,68370
Instructor: Don Fussell
      Office hours: MW 1:00-2:00 or by appointment (subject to change)
TA: Randy Smith
      Office: TBD
      Office hours: TBD
Handouts & Assignments
Other course-related information
Piazza Class Page
Piazza and Canvas
Errata for Watt textbook
Instructional computer labs
Course reader(Warning: Large pdf)
Useful reference books for computer graphics
FLTK GUI toolkit
Useful graphics links

Acknowledgements: The web pages and course materials for this course are largely adopted from the CSE 557 course at the University of Washington.
Last modified: 08/28/13 by Don Fussell fussell@cs.utexas.edu