Dr. Warren A. Hunt, Jr. Professor Department of Computer Science 2317 Speedway, M/S D9500 The University of Texas Austin, TX 78712-1757 E-mail: hunt@cs.utexas.edu Tel: +1 512 471 9748 FAX: +1 512 471 8885 URL: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/hunt Dr. Warren A. Hunt, Jr. is a Professor at the University of Texas Computer Science Department, where he teaches formal methods and computer architecture, and where he investigates and develops methods for microprocessor specification and program verification, automated theorem-proving methods, and computational biology tools. Dr. Hunt is currently the PI for DARPA's CRASH effort at UT. Dr. Hunt has been active in the hardware verification area for more than 25 years, and he has applied formal verification tools and methods to a litany of microprocessor designs: FM8501, FM8502, FM9001, Motorola CAP DSP, FM9801, VIA Nano, and Oracle SPARC. Dr. Hunt completed the first complete mechanical verification of a microprocessor design in 1985, and he, along with Bishop Brock, specified, designed, and mechanically verified, the 32-bit FM9001, the first and only such verified microprocessor ever to be built. Dr. Hunt is the steering committee chairman of the FMCAD Conference series, and he serves as an associate editor of the "Formal Methods in System Design" journal. Prior to his 2002 arrival at UT, Dr. Hunt worked as a Research Staff Member and Manager at IBM's Austin Research Laboratory from 1997 to 2002, where he was involved with formal verification and high-performance computing as one of the founders and PIs of IBM's DARPA PERCS project. From 1986 until 1997, he served as Vice President of Hardware Engineering at Computational Logic, Inc. From 1982 until 1985, Hunt served as Hardware and Systems Manager for Cyb Systems. Dr. Hunt has a BSEE from Rice University and a PhD in computer science from UT Austin.