The potential of MetiTarski for interactive theorem proving Larry Paulson MetiTarski is an automatic theorem prover for real-valued special functions including sine and cosine, logarithm, exponential and the hyperbolic functions. Architecturally, it consists of a superposition theorem prover (Joe Hurd's Metis) combined with a decision procedure for real closed fields (QEPCAD). It requires axioms that give upper or lower bounds -- typically rational functions obtained from power series or continued fraction expansions -- for special functions. The prover includes code to simplify algebraic expressions and additional inference rules to help break down complicated expressions, especially non-linear products involving special functions. MetiTarski returns machine-readable proofs that combine standard resolution steps with the extensions noted above. If MetiTarski is to be added to an interactive theorem prover as a trusted oracle, little effort is required other than to ensure that all problems submitted to it are first-order with all variables ranging over the real numbers. To reduce the level of trust required, MetiTarski's various technologies can be treated independently. Arithmetic simplification in MetiTarski involves little more than reducing polynomials to canonical form and extending the scope of the division operator; these steps should be easy to verify by automation in an LCF-style interactive theorem prover. The axioms used by MetiTarski are simply mathematical facts that could, in principle, be developed in any capable interactive theorem prover. Formal developments of the familiar power series expansions already widely available. However, expansions based on continued fractions are much more accurate and hold over wider intervals; the theory of continued fraction expansions of particular special functions unfortunately seems to rest on substantial bodies of mathematics that are yet to be mechanised. The most difficult obstacle is that of the real closed fields decision procedure. It uses quantifier elimination to decide logical combinations of polynomial inequalities. Unfortunately, the algorithms are complicated and inherently hyperexponential in the number of variables. We have few implementations to choose from, and until now there has been little interest in implementing algorithms that justify their answers with evidence. MetiTarski's proof search does not have to be justified, only the final proof, which may involve only a few decision procedure calls. Nevertheless, the few methods that do deliver evidence (sum of squares, for example) may be hard pressed to justify even these few calls. Before undertaking such integration, it is natural to consider potential applications. MetiTarski seems to have potential in solving problems that arise in systems specified by linear differential equations, including hybrid and control systems along with analog circuits.