Lab 7: 2D-Arrays, More While Loops, Methods, Input and Output

Due: 10pm Tuesday March 29

Purpose:   This lab will give you an opportunity to work with arrays; allocating a fixed size array, setting its initial contents, changing the contents, and examining the contents. You will also use while loops, methods, the scanner class, and output.

In this lab in addition to learning about arrays, you will be using language concepts you used in previous labs. Just like a learning a foreign language, you need to remember just about everything you learn. To help you remember and become more facile with the programming concepts, you will use most of what you have already learned again in each subsequent lab. Thus, you will form longer and more complex programs which will give you practice and help improve your programming skills.

You will write a program that creates and manipulates directed graphs. Many computer programs use graphs as an abstraction of problems such as network connectivity or legal resource allocation. In this lab, you will represent and manipulate a directed graph, i.e., a graph with nodes and directed edges (tail -> head), as a 2-dimensional array.

Given  a graph that contains N nodes and also contains some directed edges (tail -> head) that connect some nodes to others. Then, using a NxN 2D-array, we can represent the graph in the following way: If node x is connected to a node y through a directed edge e = (x->y) (in this case x is called the tail of the edge and y the head of the edge), with a positive weight W, then the element [x][y] of the array is set to the weight, otherwise it is set to a sentinel value, in this lab we choose -1. For this lab, edge weights must be non-negative integer which can be used to model for example the latency of a network link. An example directed graph and its representation as a 2D-array is shown in the following picture:

The sample graph
0 1 2 3
0 -1



















Your program will firstly construct a directed graph using information that is contained in a text file, and then it will prompt the user to ask several queries regarding the graph. The contents of the file that contains the graph information will  be of the following format:

n m          <------- n = number of nodes in the graph, m = number of edges in the graph   
a b w1       <------- edge from a to b with weight w1
x y w2       <------- edge from x to y with weight w2

We provide you with this sample.

The queries that the user can choose are:
You will write two classes: which implements the directed graph, and which just contains the main method with the code that creates the graph and executes the queries on it. Your Graph class should use an int[][] to model the directed graph. We provide you with the following templates (, for the two classes. These files contain the signatures of all the constructors and methods you should define. You can also add any helper methods you need for your implementation. 
Your program will first ask the user to give the name of a file that contains the data for populating the directed graph. While reading information from the file (inside the constructor of Graph -- see the templates above), you can assume that no errors will exist in the given data. You must however implement the appropriate error checking that relate to all the queries over the graph, and you must communicate to the main method when a query fails to retrieve any information through appropriate return values. You may choose whichever values seem intuitively correct to you -- for example, if a specific path does not exist in the graph, you can return -1 as the value of the total weight of the path.

A sample execution of the program for the graph shown in the picture above, is provided here.

As part of this lab, you must provide an additional input graph in a separate file, named "myGraph.txt". A large part of programming is testing, and you should create multiple test files that help you get your program correct. Turn in one of those interesting test files.

Submission and Grading:

Always include your names, slip days, and a comment at the top of your file. Here is the template header for all the java files that you will create.

* @author name 1: discussion section time:
* CS account user name:
* Section Unique Number: 
* slip days used on this assignment: ??/4
* total slip days used: ??/6
* @author name 2: discussion section time:
* CS account user name:
* Section Unique Number: 
* slip days used on this assignment: ??/4
* total slip days used: ??/6
* On our honor, we followed the pair programming rules of splitting
* keyboard time evenly and 80% or more joint development, and we have
* neither read nor copied code, nor have we shown or given our code to
* others.
* @version Date
* Extra Credit attempted (Yes/No):
* Describe what this program does, including any extra credit attempted.

Submit your version of, and myGraph.txt using the turnin program . If you need help goto turnin program help.

Your program should be internally correct (sound logic) and externally correct (following Java style guideline).

If you are submitting without a partner, please include your initial partner and the email correspondence with the instructor or with the TA in your header.