Event list (Alberts etal)

accounts for (4-120)

achieve (2-40)
 attain (2-41)
 reach (2-73)

act (1-10)
 behave (1-15)
 function (2-55)
  work (5-133)  [how genes work]
 interact (2-40)
 operate (3-100)
 participate (2-48)
 react (2-40)
 respond (5-135)
 serve (1-16)

adjust (3-100)
 adapt (1-22)
 compensate (3-92)

adopt (2-69)

affect (2-43)
 affect +
   enhance (5-170)
   stimulate (5-135)
   aid (3-86)
   assist (5-139)
   catalyze (1-68)
   facilitate (3-100)
   favor (1-21)
   help (2-43)
   promote (5-133)
 affect 0
  influence (2-52)
 affect -
  inhibit (5-173)
  interfere (2-55)
  limit (5-173)

alter (2-38)
 corrupt (1-21)   [DNA instructions occasionally corrupted]

attack (1-30)

attract (2-40)
 repel (2-70)
 repulse (2-43)

avoid (6-194)
 shun (1-23)

balance (2-43)
 equal (2-70)
 stabilize (2-46)

become (1-10)

begin (2-48)
 start (4-120)

 clog (14-475) 

break (2-44)
 cut (5-164)
  cleave (4-112)
  sever (5-168)

break down (1-13)
 decay (2-39)
 decompose (3-84)
 degrade (1-13)
 digest (1-13)
 disintegrate (2-38)
 disorder (3-80)

 dissolve (2-48)
 take apart (3-77)

break open (5-140)
 burst (5-167)
 rupture (2-64)

build (1-20)
 construct (1-21)
 establish (2-61)
  remake (6-204)

cause (1-?)
 to be
  make (5-140)  [make more reliable]
 to become
  make (1-24)  [make us ill]
 to happen
  evoke (1-33)
  trigger (5-171)
 force (2-69)
  induce (5-179)
  stress (5-169)   [enzyme stresses its bound substrate by bending]
 to not happen
  prevent (2-44)
  incapacitate (5-174) [render nonfunctional]
 continuation of event
  keep (4-120)  [keep process going]

 convert (3-80)
 mutate (6-201)

change amount
 amplify (5-171)
 magnify (5-176)
change direction
 return (1-12)
 reverse (3-79)
 turn (5-141)
  wind (5-153)

change rate
 decrease (2-52)
  slow down
  taper off (5-170)
 increase (2-52)
  accelerate (3-77)
  speed up (5-169)

change in space
 shift (5-174)

change position
 flip (5-176)
 orient (6-188)
 regain (5-176)
 switch (5-174)   [switch from one conformation to another]

choose (2-61)
 prefer (2-69)   [polymer chain may prefer one particular config]
 select (1-22)

collaborate (1-29)

combine (2-40)
 coordinate (1-1)   [DEF: combine in harmonious relation or action]

communicate (6-183)
 codes (1-24)
 decode (1-24)
 encode (1-21)
 express (1-31)   [different cells express different genes]
 interpret (1-21)
 read (5-137)
  proofread (6-194)
 signal (5-178)
 spell out (6-188)   [nucleotide sequences spell out amino acid seqs]
 translate (6-183)
 write (1-21)

 differ (1-24)
 match (1-21)
 resemble (1-21)

complete (2-42)

 comprise (1-29)
 consist of (2-38)
 constitute (1-13)
  reconstitute (3-85)
 made (1-1)  [organisms made of cells]

close (2-56)

compete (4-129)

contact (2-60)
contain (1-1)
 accommodate (2-40)
 hold (2-40)
 include (1-34)

 cope (1-24)

continue (4-129)

control (1-17)
 constrain (5-136)
 control movement
  channel (3-94)
  conduct (5-133)
  direct (1-13)
  funnel (4-108)
  guide (1-17)
 determine (2-38)
 dominate (1-21)
 govern (1-17)
 monitor (6-184)
 regulate (2-49)
 time (5-175) [events are time d precisely]

convert (1-21)

cooperate (6-191)

copy (1-1)
 duplicate (1-16)
 replicate (6-184)

correct (6-194)

cover (1-19)
 bury (5-137)
 cap (5-153)
 clad (1-20)  [some cells are clad only in flimsy plasma membrane]
 clothe (2-55)
 line (1-32)  [cover surface of]

create  (1-1)
 generate (1-10)  [egg and sperm generated]
  regenerate (3-96) 
 give rise to (1-23)
 originate (1-26)
  arise (4-118)

cross (3-84)

damage (4-129)
 nick (6-200)

decorate (2-55)  [surface of cells ... decorated with sugar polymers]

 fade (1-12)
 fall off (2-71)

dedicate (6-200)

defend (14-473)
 protect (5-135)
 safeguard (6-199)  

 bounce off (3-87)

depend (1-24)
 hinge (2-48)
 rely on (4-126)

destroy (3-85)
 kill (1-23)
 poison (1-23)
 spoil (1-21)

 specify (1-31)

detect (1-33)
 distinguish (6-200)

develop (1-29)

die (3-?)

differentiate (3-?)
 specialize (1-13)

 diffuse (3-88)
 dissipate (3-85)
 spread (2-60)

distribute (1-16)
 allocate (1-10)
 delegate (1-21)
 parcel out (1-27)
 redistribute (4-110)

diverge (1-22)
enable (1-12)
 activate (3-86)

 drive (1-13)
 exert (2-50)  
 power (1-12)
 strengthen (1-16)  [def: power of resisting force]
  reinforce (5-135)

ensure (2-68)

 span (5-152)

enter (2-55)
 invade (14-473)

escape (14-474)

evolve (1-13)

exchange (1-15)
  replace (2-57)
  switch (2-54)

exclude (1-34)

 are present (1-10)

fail (6-198)

fall (4-124)

fill (1-1)    [as filled with ...]
 load (5-176)

fine tuned (5-134)

 fold in:
  invaginate (1-15) [i.e. fold inward]
  invert (1-28)
 fold out:
  bud (5-178)
 refold (5-139)
  renature (5-139)

form (1-9)
  is shaped (1-19)

  change shape
   bend (1-17)
   distort (5-168)
   twist (5-145)
  change size
    contract (1-33)
    shorten (4-119)
     recoil (5-153)
    elongate (6-196)
    stretch (1-17)
     uncoil (5-154)

  change state
   turn on/off (5-146)

 accumulate (1-34)
 assemble (1-32)
 associate (2-44)
 cluster (2-71)
 coalesce (5-137)
 collect (1-33)
 come together (5-156)
 compact (2-68)
 concentrate (2-45)
 crowd together (1-15)
 harvest (3-85)
 pack (6-187)
 pool (1-22)

give (1-17)
 confer (1-21)
 contribute (1-10)
 donate (2-41)
 pay (4-108)
 present (6-195)

give up (3-84)
 arrive (14-477)
 come (2-48)
 follow (1-?)
  track (6-195)
 pass (1-32)
 proceed (3-85)
 run (5-141)   [chain running in the opposite direction]
 travel (3-88)

grow (1-1)
 accumulate (1-?)
 add (2-68)
  supplement (3-93)
 enlarge (1-13)
 germinate (4-127)

 deal with (6-206)

 beat (1-19)
 bombard (3-88)
 bump into (5-166)
 buffet (3-88)
 collide (2-44)

hunt (1-34)

 predispose (6-201)

increase (2-52)
 speed up (3-86)

 disrupt (5-139)
 perturb (4-129)
 upset (6-198)

invade (1-1)

involves (1-?)
 entails (4-114)

is (1-10)

join (2-45)
 attach (2-60)
  cling (6-197)
 backstitch (6-193)   ["backstitching" maneuver cf DNA replication]
 bind (1-32)
 connect (6-197)
  anchor (1-16)
  bind (2-71)
  bond (2-39)   [cf join?]
   hydrogen-bond (5-144) [is hydrogen-bonded to ...]
  hold together (2-37)  [bonds hold atoms together]
 couple (3-89)
 fit (2-70)
 fuse (1-10)  [egg and sperm fuse]
 ligate (6-204)
 lock together (6-190)
 marry (2-42)  [offspring of this marriage between sodium and chlorine] 
 mate (1-34)
 pair (6-187)
  base-pair (6-195)
 polymerize (2-68)
 seal (6-201)
  reseal (6-206)
 snuggle (3-88) [enzyme and substrate have collided and snuggled ...]
 stick (2-48)
 stitch (6-193)   [nucleotides "stitched together"]
 weld (2-39)

lack (1-12)

 rest (1-32)

live (1-12)
 survive (1-13)

 find (1-24)

 crawl (1-17) [referring to animal cell]
 flit (2-49)  [protons flitting to & fro between molecules in solution]
 jump (2-42)  [electrons jumping levels]
 run (5-178)  ["runs" along actin filaments]
  speed (6-196)  [speed along the DNA]
 skip (6-203)
 slide (6-197)
 swim (1-17)  [referring to animal cell]
 walk (5-177)  [protein walk along DNA molecule]
 wander (3-87)

look at
 scan (6-197)

lose (2-40)

maintain (2-48)
 keep (1-12)  [keep close to neutrality]
 sustain (3-77)

mark (5-157)
 tag (14-477)

measure (2-44)

mediate (1-15)

 encounter (2-42)

  condense (5-168)
  polymerize (5-168)
  burn (1-20)
  hydrolyze (3-90)
 transfer (3-99)
  oxidize (1-13)
  phosphorylate (4-112)
  rearrange (5-168)
  reduce (3-84)

 to be missed
  slip through (6-206)
modify (1-13)

move (1-3)
 jiggle (3-86)
 shuttle (2-51)
 spin (3-86)
 vibrate  (3-86)
 writhe (2-69)

need (1-?)

obey (2-40)
 subject to (2-69)  [must be subject to sensitive control]

obtain (1-12)
 acquire (1-23)
 capture (1-15)
 gain (2-40)
 get (1-12)
 harness (1-10)
 retrieve (2-65)
 tap (4-124)  [ref to energy stores]
 siphon off (4-127)
 trap (1-13)

obtain again
 replenish (4-126)
 restore (4-125)

occupy (2-40)
 inhabit (1-34)
  colonize (6-198)
 reside (2-68)
 sit (3-80)

occur (1-24)
 take place (1-13)

open (6-190)
 open up (6-190)

 arrange  (2-45)
 rearrange (4-112)
 reorganize (1-16)
 untangle (5-133)

 face (2-60)

 come from (4-126)
 derive (1-1)

 surmount (4-107)

path terms
 branch (5-173)
 intersect (5-173)

parasitize (1-1)

perform (1-1)
 carry out (1-12)
 do (1-33)  [as do work]
 execute (5-133)
 make?  (1-194)    [DNA makes an error in replication]

 allow (1-21)  [some cells are allowed to be specialized]
 tolerate (1-21)

play (1-24)

possess (1-25)
 end up with (6-190)
 have (1-10)

prepare (1-10)     [prepares to divide]
prime (6-206)

process (5-171)  [process the substrate]

produce (1-12)
 make (1-13)
 manufacture (1-16)
 synthesize (1-16)
  resynthesize (6-200)

project (1-10)
 extend (6-186)
 protrude (5-145)
 radiate (1-16)

propel (5-133)

 shield (2-71)

provide (1-13)
 endow (1-1)
 nourish (1-12)
 supply (2-44)

pull (1-16)
 draw (2-50)

pump (5-135)

push (3-92)
 kick (3-85)

put (1-12)
 place (4-123)
 store (1-21)

put down
 deposit (1-32)  
 lay down (6-206)

put into
 embed (1-32)
 insert (5-156)

raise (2-44)
 pick up (3-85)

receive (1-13)
 accept (2-51)
 inherit (1-22)

recognize (2-55)

reduce    [cf decrease]
 deplete (4-126)
 lower (3-86)
 minimize (2-69)
 weaken (2-71)

release (1-12)
 discharge (3-80)
 emit (5-135)
 excrete (1-13)
 expel (2-54)
 export (1-13)
 free (5-168)  [free the enzyme for ...]
 secrete (1-13)
 shed (14-474)

remain (4-119)
 last (2-48)
 leave (1-21)  {cause to remain?} [leave progeny][leave dependent]
 persist (3-88)
 stay (4-114)

remove (1-52)
 delete (6-202)
 displace (4-115)
 eliminate (1-21)
 erase (6-196)
 excise (6-196)
 extract (1-12)
 get rid of (4-120)
 strip (2-42)
 sweep (1-17)

remove biochemical group
 depurination (6-202)
 deamination (6-202)

repair (6-184)
reproduce (1-1)

require (2-43)
 need (1-12)

resist (1-23) 
 defy (3-80)

 hold (2-38)
 keep (1-10)   [keep the DNA enclosed]

results in (2-41)
 leads to (3-85)
 leave (2-42)  [leaving both atoms with filled outer shells]

retain (2-37)
 conserve (3-84)
 preserve (6-200)
 save (4-107)

rotate (1-19)

 explore (3-87)

send (1-19)
 pour? (1-19) [def:send falling]{macrophg pours itself into new shapes}

separate (1-28)
 dissociate (2-43)
 divide (1-1)
  subdivide (5-179)
 ionize (2-55) 
 isolate (3-79)
 pinch off (1-15)
 pry (6-190)  [pry the two strands of DNA apart]
 pull apart (2-44)
 set apart (1-25)
 split off (2-64)
 unzip (6-191)   [unzip the DNA]
 cause to separate
  force apart (2-43)

share (2-45)

 display (6-199)

sort (14-477)

 remain (6-194)

substitute (6-202)

surround (1-1)
 box in (1-17)  [boxed in by rigid cell wall]
 enclose (1-3)
 engulf (1-34)
 package (14-477)
 wrap (1-32)

taking up (1-?)/ taking in
 absorb (5-171)
 consume (1-12)
 devour (1-28)
 eat (3-82)
 endocytose (14-472)
  phagocytose (14-472)
  pinocytose (14-472)
 feed (3-105)
 import (1-13)
 incorporate (2-68)
 ingest (4-129)
 internalize (14-472)
 take in (3-80)

tend to (2-49)

 finish (6-196)
 cause to terminate
  inactivate (5-157)
  shut down (5-173)
  silence (5-135)   [silence gene expression]
  stall (6-202)

transfer (2-41)
 pass (1-21)
 pass on (1-21)  [pass on traits]

transform (2-52)

transmit (1-33)
 relay (1-33)

transport (1-34)
 carry (1-15)
  bring (1-22)
   deliver (3-100)

 try again (6-194)

 expose (4-115)

 make (3-92)  [make the transition]
underlies (2-72)

use (1-12)
 employ (3-98)
 exploit (1-22)
 reuse (6-198)
  recycle (1-13)
 turn over (4-110)    [Alberts def: used up and replaced]
 utilize (1-23)

vary (1-19)

about 522 in Chapters 1-6 of Alberts: Essential Cell Biology

ch  1 210 [34]
ch  2 110 [37]
ch  3  45 [30]
ch  4  35 [24]
ch  5  71 [58]
ch  6  51 [24]

ch 14 15 (partial chapter)