15: What is the relation between a DNA-Molecule and a DNA-Molecule-Replication

Shaken formulation:

What is the relation between a DNA-Molecule and a DNA-Molecule-Replication ?


No relations found.

Question in KM


What is the relationship between <instance> and a <class>?


INSTANCE _DNA-Molecule1298
CLASS DNA-Molecule-Replication


("p35: What is the relation between <instance> and a <class>?
Returns the path from <instance> to an object of class <class>"
 (defun answer-p35-data0 (instance class)
  (let ()
      (question-type p35)
      (instance ,instance)
      (class ,class)
      (relation ,@(find-relation instance class 7))

(defun find-relation (frame target-class depth)
  (clrhash *relations*)
  (set-relation frame :root)
  (search-relation target-class depth)
  (let ((found (find-class-relation target-class)))
    (cons found (get-chain-relation found))))

(defun search-relation (target-class depth)
  (and (> depth 0)
       (or (find-class-relation target-class)
	   (progn (loop for frame being the hash-key in *relations*
		      do (build-relation-table frame))
		  (search-relation target-class (1- depth))))))

(defun build-relation-table (frame)
  (let ((children ()))
    (dolist ;;(sval (all-slot-vals frame))
	(slot ;;(okbc:get-frame-slots frame :kb rkf::*base-kb*)
	    (links-of-interest frame)
      (when (okbc:slot-p slot :kb rkf::*base-kb*)
	(let* (;;(slot (first sval))
	       (values (okbc:get-slot-values frame slot 
					     :inference-level :all-inferable
					     :kb rkf::*base-kb*)))
	  (dolist (val values)
	    (when (and (not (get-relation val))
		       (okbc::coercible-to-frame-p val))
	      (set-relation val (cons slot frame))
	      (push val children))))))


Raw Answer

((question-type p35) (instance _dna-molecule1298)
 (class dna-molecule-replication) (relation nil)
 (explanations nil))


Terms Definitions
  the DNA-Molecule       An instance of DNA-Molecule
 DNA-Molecule   Double-stranded polynucleotide formed from two separate chains of deoxyribonucleotide units; serves as the carrier of genetic information. Alberts:ECB:G-6
 DNA-Molecule-Replication   A process by which a copy of a DNA molecule is made. Alberts:ECB:G-6.