14: What role does DNA-Molecule play in the DNA-Molecule-Replication

Shaken formulation:

What role(s) does a DNA-Molecule play in a DNA-Molecule-Replication as the DNA-Molecule-Replication ?


Question in KM


What role(s) does <instance> play in <event>?


INSTANCE _DNA-Molecule1137
EVENT _DNA-Molecule-Replication1131


("p31: What role(s) does <instance> play in <event>?"
 (defun answer-p31-data0 (instance event)
      (question-type p31)
      (instance ,instance)
      (event ,event)
      (roles-in-event-tree ,(collect-roles-in-event-tree instance event)))))

(defun collect-roles-in-event-tree (instance event &key (depth-limit 3))
   ((< depth-limit 0) 
    (km-format t "ERROR! Depth-limit reached for ~a in roles-of-instance-in-event! (loop in subevent tree?)~%" instance)
    (km-format t "ERROR! Continuing without descending further..."))
   (t (let ( (roles-in-event (remove nil
			      (mapcar #'(lambda (slot)
					  (let ( (vals (km `#$(the ,SLOT of ,EVENT) :fail-mode 'fail)) )
					    (cond (vals (km-format t "DEBUG: ~a:: ~a: ~a~%" event slot vals)))
					    (cond ((member instance vals) slot))))
; OLD OUTPUT VERSION				   (list (pretty-instance instance :htmlify t) "is the" (pretty-slot slot)
;							 "when" (pretty-event event :htmlify t))))))
				      *case-roles*))) )
	(cons event 
	      (cons roles-in-event
		    (mapcar #'(lambda (subevent)
				(collect-roles-in-event-tree instance subevent :depth-limit (1- depth-limit)))
			    (subevents event))) )))))


Raw Answer

((question-type p31) (instance _dna-molecule1137)
 (event _dna-molecule-replication1131)
  (_dna-molecule-replication1131 (object)
   (_replicon-replication1132 nil (_attach1151 nil)
    (_replicon-dna-melting1152 nil)
    (_half-replicon-replication1153 nil (_attach1194 nil)
     (_divide1195 nil) (_attach1196 nil) (_attach1197 nil)
     (_dna-strand-replication1198 nil nil nil nil)
     (_dna-strand-replication1199 nil nil nil nil nil))
    (_half-replicon-replication1154 nil (_attach1247 nil)
     (_divide1248 nil) (_attach1249 nil) (_attach1250 nil)
     (_dna-strand-replication1251 nil nil nil nil)
     (_dna-strand-replication1252 nil nil nil nil)))))
  ((_dna-molecule-replication1131 object _dna-molecule1137
    ((a tangible-entity)
     (a dna-molecule
      (@ dna-molecule-replication object)))))))


The DNA-Molecule is object of the DNA-Molecule-Replication


Terms Definitions
  the DNA-Molecule-Replication       An instance of DNA-Molecule-Replication
  the DNA-Molecule       An instance of DNA-Molecule
 DNA-Molecule   Double-stranded polynucleotide formed from two separate chains of deoxyribonucleotide units; serves as the carrier of genetic information. Alberts:ECB:G-6
 DNA-Molecule-Replication   A process by which a copy of a DNA molecule is made. Alberts:ECB:G-6.
 Tangible-Entity   an Entity with physical extent
 object   the entity that is acted upon by an Event. The main passive participant in the Event.