5: Whose instrument is a Primase

Shaken formulation:

Whose instrument is a Primase ?


the Primase is the instrument of no known Event

Question in KM


Whose <slot> is <instance>?


SLOT instrument
INSTANCE _Primase1017


("p4: Whose <slot> is <instance>?
   This is the inverse version of p4 (What is the inverse (<slot>) of <instance>), so use p4 for this."
 (defun answer-p4-data0 (slot instance)
     (question-type p4)
     (slot ,slot)
     (instance ,instance)
     (values ,(km `#$(the ,SLOT of ,INSTANCE) :fail-mode 'fail)))))


Raw Answer

((question-type p4i) (slot instrument)
 (instance _primase1017) (values nil) (explanations nil))


Terms Definitions
  the Primase       An instance of Primase
 Primase   An RNA polymerase that makes the short RNA primer needed to initiate DNA chain elongation during DNA replication. see Alberts:ECB:195.
 instrument   the entity that is used (by the agent if there is one) to perform an event.