
KM> (the value of (the output of (a Compute-Oxidation-State with (input ((a NO3-Minus)))))) ((:pair -2 O) (:pair 5 N)) KM> (justify (:triple (thelast Compute-Oxidation-State) output *)) For monatomic ions the oxidation number is the charge on the ion. Therefore, the oxidation number of NO3- is -1. Finding rules for computing the oxidation numbers for the atoms in NO3-. No rules found. Since no rules were found for O and one other atom, the oxidation state of O is -2. The oxidation state O(x) of N in NO3- can be computed from the formula O(x) = C - (Z(x) / S(x)), where C is the compound charge, S(x) is the subscript of atom x and Z(x) is the sum of the products of the other atoms in the compound and their subscripts. The oxidation state of N in NO3- is thus -1 - (-6 / 1) = 5. The oxidation state O(x) of N O in NO3- can be computed from the formula O(x) = C - (Z(x) / S(x)), where C is the compound charge, S(x) is the subscript of atom x and Z(x) is the sum of the products of the other atoms in the compound and their subscripts. The oxidation state of O in NO3- is thus -1 - (3 / 3) = -2 N in NO3- is thus -1 - (-6 / 1) = 5.