Logo (Due 15 Sep 2017)

You will write a program that will print the Superman Logo exactly as given below. The logo will be preceded by one empty line on the top and there will also be one empty line at the bottom. The logo will start 5 spaces from the left margin to the leftmost star.

       ** $$         $$ $ **
      ** $$           $$$  **
     ** $$$                 **
      *$$$$$$$$$           **
       *$$$$$$$$$$$$$$    **
         **      $$$$$$$**
          **         $$**
           **$$$    $$**
             **     **
              **   **
               ** **

The program that you will be writing will be called Logo. Your file Logo.py will have the following header:

#  File: Logo.py

#  Description:

#  Student Name:

#  Student UT EID:

#  Course Name: CS 303E

#  Unique Number: 

#  Date Created:

#  Date Last Modified:

After the header your program must have def main().

Use the Canvas system to submit your Logo.py file. We should receive your work by 11 PM on Friday, 15 Sep 2017. There will be substantial penalties if you do not adhere to the guidelines. Every time you resubmit your program, Canvas will add a version number. Do not worry about the version number. We will take your latest submission.