Lecture Notes on 03 Feb 2017 Active Reading: Type code as you read. Read the Lecture Notes on Functions: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~mitra/csSpring2017/cs303/lectures/func.html You are responsible for the following built-in functions: abs(), bool(), chr(), eval(), float(), format() input(), int(), len(), list(), max(), min() ord(), pow(), print(), range(), round(), str() sum(), type() Read the Lecture Notes on Math Functions and Random Functions: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~mitra/csSpring2017/cs303/lectures/math.html From the Math Library you are responsible for: ceil(), floor(), log(x, base), pow(), sqrt(), hypot(), math.pi From the Random Library you are responsible for: randint(), randrange(), random(), uniform() choice(), shuffle(), sample()