Lecture Notes on 17 Feb 2017 Active Reading: Type code as you read. Read Chapter 6: Sections 6.12 - 6.13 Write the code from the following listings and run them: * Listing 6.11: RandomCharacter.py * Listing 6.12: TestRandomCharacter.py * Listing 6.13: PrintCalendar.py # solution to the Lucky House problem def main(): lastL = 0 sumL = 0 lastR = 0 sumR = 0 last_house = 10000 while (lastR <= last_house): lastL = lastL + 1 sumL = sumL + lastL lastR = lastL + 2 sumR = lastR while (sumR < sumL): lastR = lastR + 1 sumR = sumR + lastR if (sumR == sumL): lucky = lastL + 1 print (lucky, " ", lastR) main() Challenge Problem: Pepys Problem Samuel Pepys posed this problem to Issac Newton - which is more probable at least one throw of a 6 in six throws of a fair die or at least two 6's in twelve throws of a fair die? We do not know what Newton's response was. But you are going to give a computational estimate what the two probabilities are.