Study Guide for CS 313E Test 3 (Spring 2017) * You should know the following sorting algorithms and their efficiency - selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort and quick sort. You should be able to trace each of the algorithms for a given array. * You should be able to apply binary search and merge algorithms. * You should be familiar with different classes of algorithms - brute force, greedy, divide and conquer, and dynamic programming. * Using recursion, you should be able to do permutation and combination and back tracking. * You should know the algorithms that we covered using the following data structures - stacks, queues, linked lists and binary search trees. You should be able to modify the data structures according to specifications - like creating a doubly linked list. * You should be able to use a hash function and hash using single probing, quadratic probing, and double hashing. * You should be able to add to the functionality of the BinarySearchTree class, modify the BinarySearchTree class, or apply the BinarySearchTree class to solve simple problems. * You should be able to trace the algorithms to create a heap, add or delete nodes from a heap and use heap sort to sort an array. * Show how to balance a binary bearch tree to create an AVL tree. Show how to get the balance factor in a binary search tree and keep the tree balanced after insertions or deletions. * Given an infix arithmetic expression draw the binary expression tree representation of it. Show how to get the prefix and postfix expressions from that tree. * You must be able to obtain the adjacency matrix for a given graph. Or given the adjacency matrix build the graph. * You must be familiar and be able the trace the following graph algorithms - Depth First Search (DFS), Breadth First Search (BFS), Topological Sort, Minimum Cost Spanning Tree using Kruskal's and Prim's algorithm, and Dijkstra's Single Source Shortest Path algorithm. Determine if there is an Eulerian path in a graph and trace that Eulerian path. * Given the description of a new data structure you should be able to write the class to represent it. * You may bring two cheat sheets (8.5" x 11") with you that have hand written notes on both sides of the paper.