Good Web Programming Habits

Storing Passwords
Never store password as clear text or in a form that can be decrypted. On the client side use a hash function in JavaScript to hash the password before it is sent to the server. Think of the hash function as a one-way encryption. You can get JavaScript MD5 hash functions at this site. On the server side use the crypt() function to generate a one-way encryption.

  $password = crypt('mypassword');
  // store the encrypted password in a file and compare the
  // encrypted version of the user input with this password
  if (crypt($user_input, $password) == $password)
    echo "Password verified";

Do Not Trust Input Data
Input data will be coming in through forms. You will be doing two checks on the input data - at the client side using JavaScript and on the sever side using PHP. Always have an upper limit on the amount of data that you are willing to accept. This can be checked on the client side as well as on the server side. Impose what characters are acceptable to you - like alphanumeric and check using regular expressions.

  $username = purge ($_POST['username']);

  function purge ($str)
    $purged_str = preg_replace("/\W/", "", $str);
    return $purged_str;

Prevent SQL Injection
In a SQL Injection attack, a user sends data through a form that can run as a SQL query on the database. Use PHP's built-in mysqli_real_escape_string() function as a wrapper around any user input. This functions escapes characters in the string, making it impossible to pass in special characters like single and double quotes and have MySQL run them. This should take care of SQL Injections if used judiciously.

  $link = mysqli_connect ($host, $user, $password, $port);
  $user = mysqli_real_escape_string ($link, $_POST['user']);
  $pwd = mysqli_real_escape_string ($link, $_POST['pwd']);

Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
A cross site scripting attack allows a malicious user to enter information in a form that then inserts client-side script on other users' machines. Alice has joined an online dating service. In the section "Describe Your Ideal Date" she posts her answer and a short script that is enclosed within the script tags. When Bob visits her profile, the script does not show up on his browser but it runs on Bob's machine. This script then sends an e-mail to Alice on Bob's real name and e-mail address, and his session cookie.

If you are accepting user input such as comments to a guestbook that you are then using for others to view be sure to strip anything wrapped in HTML tags. There are several PHP functions that allow you to remove the tags - strip_tags() and htmlentities().

  $comments = strip_tags ($_POST['comments']);
  // now store in file or database

  // when displaying that comment on someone else's browser
  echo (htmlentities($comment));

Remote Form Posting
Anyone can visit a Web site, use File->Save As on his browser and make a local copy of the form. He can then change the action parameter to point to the fully qualified URL and make any changes to the form and click the Submit button. The server will accept this form data as legitimate.

To handle remote form posting generate a token based on a random String and timestamp and place that token into a Session variable and the form. Once the form is submitted check to see if the two tokens match. The token is changed each time the form is created so a would be hacker cannot make a permanent Web form to post unwanted requests to your application.