University Extension
University of Texas at Austin

KAUST - Introduction to Engineering Physics (Spring 2017)
Lecture Fri 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM RLM 5.104
Lab Wed 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM RLM 7.116

Instructor: Dr. Shyamal Mitra
Office: GDC 6.320
Office Hours: M 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM, WF 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM or by appointment

Teaching Assistant: TBA
E-mail: TBA
Office Hours:

Required Text: Physics of Everyday Phenomena by W. Thomas Griffith
Publisher: McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-130905-619-6

Scope of the Course

This course is designed to prepare you for the rigors for Engineering Physics. This is a discussion and experiment based course with an emphasis on problem solving. We will mostly work on problems using algebra and sometimes calculus. But the goal of all the exercises that we do in class is not to gain mathematical expertise but a deeper understanding of the concepts in physics.

We will be covering a wide range of topics in physics: Mechanics, Behavior of Fluids, Heat and Thermodynamics, Electricity and Magnetism, Wave Motion and Optics. The course is divided into four sections, followed by a test at the end of each section.

  1. Unit One: Mechanics
  2. Unit Two: Fluids and Heat
  3. Unit Three: Electricity and Magnetism
  4. Unit Four: Wave Motion and Optics

Lecture Schedule

Home Work

There will be several homework assignments during the semester. They will be assigned on Quest. The homework sets will be mostly numerical problems and some conceptual ones. I encourage students to discuss homework problems with each other but not copy each others work. The due date for each homework assignment will be posted on Quest. The grades for each assignment will be on Quest.

Class Work

There will be group exercises in class during every lecture period and some lab periods. These exercises will be in Quest. You will have to bring your laptop to class everyday.


There will be a quiz at the beginning of class every day. It will consist of a single numerical problem taken from the previous day's lecture material. The quiz will be either administered in Quest or hand written.


There will be four tests and no final examination. The tests will consist of a mixture of short answer questions and numerical problems similar to the ones given as homework assignments. The questions will be drawn primarily from the lecture material and the reading assignments. The tests are equally weighted.

The test will be held during the following class period:

Make-up tests will be given only for the following reasons. In all cases you must provide some form of documentation.

Having two tests on the same day is not official UT conflict! For each test you may bring a non-programmable calculator and a single 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of handwritten notes (no photo reduction). There will be a formula sheet and a sheet of constants attached to the test.

Questions concerning test grades should be given to me in writing along with your test within the next class day that the test is handed back. We will not entertain any disputes after that time.


Your performance in this class will be evaluated using your scores for quizzes, homework, classwork, four tests and labs. The weights of each of these components are listed below. There are no extra credit projects or assignments to improve your grade.

I will drop the lowest score on the quizzes, Classwork, and Homework. The scores on all the tests and labs will be taken into account while computing the weighted average. Your final grade will be determined by your performance through out the semester.

Study Groups

Please organize yourselves into study groups of ~3 students who will meet once a week to discuss the course. Typically, you will review the lectures, do the reading, and attempt the homework independently before your weekly meeting with your study group. Studying for tests together is permitted and encouraged. If you are unsure about how to work together with your friend in a legal, helpful manner, do come and talk with us. Remember, it is always ok to "work together" with your professor or TA!

Academic Misconduct Policy

While you are free to discuss the course material with your classmates and are encouraged to form study groups for the exams, collaboration on during the quizzes and tests is not permitted.

The quizzes and tests must be the sole work of the students turning them in. University policy (see Dean of Students' policies on academic integrity) will be followed strictly.

Acts that exceed the bounds defined by the approved collaboration practices will be considered cheating. Such acts include:

We urge everyone in the class to take appropriate measures for protecting your answer sheets as deemed reasonable. Any detected act of cheating will result in a 0 for that quiz or test.

University Code of Conduct: The core values of The University of Texas at Austin are learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility. Each member of the University is expected to uphold these values through integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, and respect towards peers and community.

University Honor Code: As a student of The University of Texas at Austin, I shall abide by the core values of the University and uphold academic integrity.

Your Responsibilities in This Class

Course Time Table

General Policies

If you are absent from class or examination for the observance of a religious holy day you may turn in your assignment or take the examination on an alternate date provided you have given me written notice fourteen days prior to the class absence. For religious holy days that fall within the first two weeks of class notice must be given on the first class day.

Students with disabilities who need special accommodations should contact the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Office (471-6259 or 471-4641 TTY).