Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 15:40:33 -0500 (CDT) From: Sandip Ray Subject: This week in ACL2 Greetings. This week, Julien Schmaltz is going to talk about modeling and verification of ethernet protocols in ACL2. We will meet as usual in ACES 6.442 at 4:00p.m. on Wednesday. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ETHERNET: From the IEEE Std to the ACL2 Logic If Ethernet is used so often and for so many years, to my knowledge, there is today no formal model of it. So, the project I have started recently is to write ACL2 functions that represent Ethernet as it is specified in the IEEE Std 802.3, clause 4, i.e. the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) algorithm for the Media Access Control (MAC). I will start by introducing how this algorithm is described in the IEEE std, and this mainly to point out, even if it might be obvious for us, why executable formal models are necessary. Then, I will present the main principles of the part of the CSMA/CD algorithm I am considering in my formalization. For instance, I am not modeling real timing features and we may discuss if it sounds reasonable or not. I will then show my ACL2 model which consists in two functions: receiveFrame and transmitFrame. My goal is to prove that somehow the composition of receiveFrame with transmitFrame yields the identity. So, we may discuss around one or two small theorems to help me to determine what is the best way to attack this problem. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------