Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 00:34:28 -0500 From: Sol Swords Subject: ACL2 seminar April 5 Hi, Tomorrow's meeting is as usual 4:00 to 5:45 in Aces 3.116. Peter Dillinger will present the ACL2 development environment for Eclipse, as detailed in the abstract below. The meetings are now booked for talks until summer, with the following schedule of appearances: April 12 - Eric Smith April 19 - Serita Nelesen April 26 - Hamilton Richards May 3 - Qiang Zhang. We should discuss the meeting schedule for the summer (starting date and frequency) and get started scheduling the first few talks. - Sol Peter's abstract: As part of a funded research project, I (with help and inspiration from many at UT and Georia Tech) have developed a rich, graphical development environment for ACL2 as a plugin for Eclipse. The plugin has much more syntactic and semantic awareness of ACL2 than Emacs, thanks to some ACL2 modifications that directly provide the development environment with useful information, rather than it trying algorithmicly to decipher output meant for human eyes. We hope our tool's innovative features make ACL2 development simpler and more intuitive for beginners and more feature-rich for experts, but there is still much room for improvement. -peter d