Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 09:51:28 -0500 From: Sol Swords Hi all, At the meeting this week Ian Wehrman will give the talk. As usual, we'll be in Aces 3.116 at 4 PM Wednesday. Hope to see you there, - Sol Ian's abstract: I'll talk about automated equational theorem proving and term rewriting. The talk will focus on background material and motivation for an improved technique that I helped develop. We'll cover the word problem, the general approach to solving it with rewriting, how to prove any necessary properties of term rewriting systems (termination in particular), and a particular procedure for solving the word problem called Knuth-Bendix completion. Finally, I'll describe my variant of Knuth-Bendix completion which, in many circumstances, can solve problems in hard equational theories for which the standard procedure fails. Many state-of-the-art automated equational provers are based on completion. The term rewriting theory behind completion is also widely applicable. So I hope the group will find the talk useful!