functions for obtaining or producing theories
Major Section:  THEORIES

Example Calls of Theory Functions:
(universal-theory :here)
(union-theories th1 th2)
(set-difference-theories th1 th2)
The theory functions are documented individually:

Some Related Topics

The functions (actually, macros) mentioned above are convenient ways to produce theories. (See theories.) Some, like universal-theory, take a logical name (see logical-name) as an argument and return the relevant theory as of the time that name was introduced. Others, like union-theories, take two theories and produce a new one. See redundant-events for a caution about the use of logical names in theory expressions.

Theory expressions are generally composed of applications of theory functions. Formally, theory expressions are expressions that involve, at most, the free variable world and that when evaluated with world bound to the current ACL2 world (see world) return theories. The ``theory functions'' are actually macros that expand into forms that involve the free variable world. Thus, for example (universal-theory :here) actually expands to (universal-theory-fn :here world) and when that form is evaluated with world bound to the current ACL2 world, universal-theory-fn scans the ACL2 property lists and computes the current universal theory. Because the theory functions all implicitly use world, the variable does not generally appear in anything the user types.