ACL2 Seminar October 10, 2012 CP Wirth, Univ. des Saarlands and King's College London Title: Descente infinie, weakened admissibility conditions for recursive functions, and the automated theorem prover QUODLIBET Abstract: The automated induction theorem proving system QUODLIBET was under development by a very small group of researchers from 1992 to 2007. I would like to lead an open exchange of ideas on some aspects of this system that may be relevant beyond it, namely its weak admissibility conditions and its free-variable calculus for descente infinie (aka lazy induction-hypotheses generation). The very weak admissibility conditions for recursive function definitions, including partiality by both irreduciblity and non-termination, turned out to be most helpful in the verification of the implementation of syntactical path orderings. Compared to a reductive free-variable sequent calculus, the descente infinie calculus has inference steps that can apply sequents as lemmas or as induction hypotheses. When a Boyer-Moore-like recursion analysis is executed, the merging of conflicting schemata can be overcome by descente infinie. When a mathematical theorem is to be proved whose induction ordering has nothing to do with the termination orderings of its recursive functions, interaction becomes a lot simpler by descente infinie.