ACL2 Seminar, Feb. 5, 2013 Programming and Proving with PVS Natarajan Shankar, SRI International Computer Science Laboratory SRI's Prototype Verification System (PVS) is an interactive theorem proving framework based on higher-order logic. It was first released twenty years ago. The original version of PVS featured several novel features including an extension of higher-order logic with predicate subtypes, dependent types, and parametric theories, and an integration of decision procedures with interactive theorem proving. Over the years, new features have been added, such as an integration of mu-calculus model checking, predicate abstraction, several external decision procedures, theory interpretations, codatatypes and corecursion, and efficient code generation. PVS has been used directly for proof development and as a back-end to other tools through semantic embeddings. The language and proof features have demonstrated their value over a large body of proofs. We present a quick overview of some of the features of PVS, and briefly discuss our future plans.