Modeling Asynchronous Circuits in ACL2 Using the Link-Joint Interface Cuong Chau ACL2 Seminar Apr. 19, 2016 Abstract: The asynchronous approach in circuit design has demonstrated advantages in a number of different areas, including low power consumption, high operating speed, better composability and modularity. Unlike the synchronous approach, there is no global clock signal distributed in asynchronous systems. In such systems, the communication between components is performed via local handshake protocols. It is interesting that handshake interfaces can be established and generalized easily under the link-joint point of view described in Roncken et al.'s paper - Naturalized Communication and Testing. In this talk, I will briefly describe the link and joint concepts introduced in Roncken et al.'s paper and how to establish a handshake channel in terms of the link-joint interface. I will also present our formalization of these concepts using our new version of DE - a hardware description language written in ACL2. By applying the link-joint interface, I will then illustrate how to build a simple while-loop circuit in an asynchronous manner and prove certain properties of this circuit in ACL2.