the list of characters in the radix-r form of a number
Major Section:  ACL2-BUILT-INS

ACL2 !>(explode-nonnegative-integer 925 10 nil)
(#9 #2 #5)
ACL2 !>(explode-nonnegative-integer 325 16 nil)
(#3 #9 #D)
For a non-negative integer n, (explode-nonnegative-integer n r nil) is the list of characters in the radix-r (base-r) representation of n.

The guard for explode-nonnegative-integer requires the first argument to be a nonnegative integer and second argument to be a valid radix for ACL2 (2, 8, 10, or 16).

To see the ACL2 definition of this function, see pf.