ACL2 Version 6.2 Installation Guide

NOTE: From time to time we may provide so-called incremental releases of ACL2. Please follow the recent changes to this page link on the ACL2 home page for more information.

Easy Install for Unix-like Systems

Here, "Unix-like Systems" includes Unix, GNU-Linux, and MacOS X.

NOTE: A quicker and even easier install may be possible, by instead obtaining a pre-built binary distribution if one is available for your platform. Otherwise:

  1. Fetch acl2.tar.gz into a new directory, say acl2/v6-2/.
  2. Execute the following to create directory acl2-sources/:
    tar xfz acl2.tar.gz
  3. We strongly suggest that you fetch ACL2 community books, for example as a tarball from the Google Code website, into your new acl2-sources/ directory; then execute the following in acl2-sources/ to create directory books/:
    tar xfz books-6.2.tar.gz
  4. Obtain a Common Lisp implementation if you don't already have one.
  5. Build by connecting to your acl2-sources/ directory and typing the following, which may take a few minutes to complete. Note: You will need Gnu make. We have seen problems with Version 3.81 of that utility, so if you encounter errors, please consider our instructions for downloading and installing GNU make version 3.80. (That said, in builds with Allegro Common Lisp we have seen problems certifying books with GNU make version 3.80 that seemed to be solved with version 3.81.)
    make LISP=<path_to_your_lisp_executable>
  6. OPTIONAL: Download gzipped tarfiles for workshops books and/or nonstd books from the Google Code website into the books/ directory (but first create books/ if you skipped that step). Further instructions are here.
  7. Certify books (but first create books/ if you skipped that step), for example as follows.
    make regression
    (time nice make -j 8 ACL2=/u/smith/bin/acl2 regression) >& make-regression.log
    See :DOC regression for explanation and further options, e.g. for using ACL2(h).
You now have an ACL2 executable called saved_acl2 (from step 5) and access to certified community books (from step 7). Enjoy!

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