Running the DISCERN performance demo

When you start DISCERN, it will read system specs from the file "init", loading up the various weight files and setting default values for various parameters. An output window will come up, and then a graphics window with a number of buttons (described below). Click on "Run" to start the simulation: the graphics display shows activity propagation through the networks, and detailed log output is generated in the output window. You can stop and continue the simulation at any time, ask questions, print performance statistics, and change various system parameters through the command interface.

X Interface

Although training and testing networks without graphics is certainly enough for proving the point, graphics displays are often indispensable for debugging the model and understanding what is actually going on. This is the main purpose of this program: to visualize what is actually going on in DISCERN as it is doing some fairly complicated high-level processing, and allowing you to interact with it on-line to get a better feel of the model.

Network displays

The display shows the unit activations, labels on the word assemblies, target patterns, and the current output error for each network, and also displays the word sequence read or generated so far. In color displays, the activation scale between 0.0 and 1.0 shown with black (0.0) - red (0.333) - yellow (0.667) - white (1.0). Gray-scale from black to white indicates the same values in B&W displays.

For the sentence and story parser and cue former, the input layer is on top, the (possible) previous hidden layer and hidden layer in the middle, and the output layer and the target pattern at the bottom. The order is reversed for the answer producer and the story and sentence generators. The word representations at the input and output assemblies are labeled. Each label indicates the word in the semantic lexicon that is the closest to the current pattern. If this word is not the same as the target word (i.e. the output is wrong), the target word is given in parenthesis (e.g. "*boy(girl)*"; The symbol "_" indicates the blank, or all-0 representation; this symbol is only used when the word is incorrect). If the label does not fit the box it is truncated at right.

The labels on the lexical and semantic map units indicate the maximally responding units for each word in the lexicon. The label at top left of the window indicates the maximally responding unit, and also whether this map is currently used as the input or the associative map.

On the episodic memory display, the top-level map is shown at top right, the middle-level maps around it in the top-right quadrant, and the bottom-level maps elsewhere in the window corresponding their position in the middle-level maps (actually, the top and middle level maps are automatically placed over those bottom-level maps that win the least number of input items). The labels indicate the images of the different scripts, tracks and role bindings in the entire 96 story test set. The positive lateral weights that store the traces are shown as lines pointing towards the destination unit of the connection. The length and width of the line indicates the strength of the connection. On the top left of this window, the labels of the maximally responding units at the three levels are shown, and a letter indicating whether this is a stored (S) or retrieved (R) representation.

Mouse support for feature maps

There are too many associative weights in the lexicon to be displayed all at once. You can examine the weights of any particular unit by clicking it with the mouse. That unit will be turned on (made white), and the color coding in the other map shows the strengths of the associative weights to each unit. The log line on top left also indicates the current closest word for both the source unit and target unit with the largest associative weight. The mouse support is turned off while the lexicon is in the middle of processing input. If you click on an episodic memory unit with the mouse, the log line on top of the bottom level map will list the nearest words represented by the weights of that unit. On the top and middle level maps, if any of the input lines within a word are actually passed down to lower-level maps, the word is put in parenthesis (because it really represents an average, and the nearest word representation does not always make sense). In the middle and bottom level maps, the representation is constructed from the input weights of the unit and the weights of its parent units at higher levels.The log line also shows the current average distance of the representation from the nearest words, counting only those lines that are accurately represented by this unit (and not passed down to lower levels). After the distance, a "/" and a number indicating how many of those lines there are are shown. The mouse support is turned off while the memory is in the middle of processing input.

Buttons, commands, window management

On top of the display there are a number of buttons that control the run:

"Run": click here and DISCERN will start a simulation run, reading input from the default input file. While the simulation is running, the "Run" button changes into a "Stop" button:

"Stop"; you can interrupt the run at any time by clicking on the "Stop" button, and it changes to the "Run" button. Click "Run" again and the simulation continues.

"Step" is a toggle switch; when on, it causes DISCERN to pause after every major propagation in the network. Click "Run" to continue.

"Clear" interrupts the currently running simulation and clears the network activations. After hitting "Run" the simulation continues from the beginning of the current inputfile.

"Quit" terminates the program.

The area to the right of the "Step" button is a command window (see list of commands below). It comes up with "file input-example" as the default command (indicating that the name of the default input file is "input-example"). Anything you type into the DISCERN display will go to the command window. You can edit the text with standard emacs-style commands. Hitting "Return" will send the command to DISCERN.

The display interacts with the X system in the normal manner. You can iconize the display, resize it (unfortunately the fonts are not resizable though), change the default parameters, etc.


DISCERN reads commands from the command window on the X interface, or from an inputfile. The commands are (with variable information inside <>):

Various things to do:

"text-question <words separated by blanks> ?"
You can type in a question such as "Who ate lobster at Leone's ?", and DISCERN will process it. The question is not sensitive to case. The number of words exceeding the nwords parameter will be ignored as will be words that are not in DISCERN's vocabulary. Remember to separate the "?" from the previous word with a space.

Lists the current weight and input file names and various parameters.

Initializes the performance statistics.

Prints out performance statistics collected since the last "init-stats". For each module in paraphrasing and question answering separately, the percentage of correctly-identifyable words (out of all words), percentage of correctly identifyable instances, percentage of output units within 0.15 of the correct value, and the average error per output unit are printed in the output window.

Clears the networks (but does not interrupt a possibly ongoing simulation).

Terminates the program.

(meaningful only in an input file) Causes the simulation to stop. Click "Run" (or hit return if the display is not on) to continue.

Various simulation parameters

"chained <1/0>"
When on, the output of one module is fed to the input of the next. When off, clean and correct representations (taken from the lreps and sreps file) are used instead.

"withhfm <1/0>"
Whether to include the episodic memory in the simulation runs or use the output of the story parser directly as input to story generator and answer producer.

"withlex <1/0>"
Whether to include the lexicon in the simulation runs or use semantic representation directly as I/O.

"delay <int>"
"babbling <1/0>"
When on, detailed log output will be printed in the standard output.

"print_mistakes <1/0>"
When on, erroneus words (together with the correct word) will be printed in the standard output even when babbling is off.

"log_lexicon <1/0>"
When on, the propagation in the lexicon (lexical <-> semantic representations) will be logged in the standard output (if babbling is on). It is easier to read the output if log_lexicon is off.

"ignore_stops <1/0>"
Do not stop when "stop" command is encountered in an input file (useful for collecting statistics).

"topsearch <float>"
The search threshold for script level of the episodic memory.

"midsearch <float>"
The search threshold for track level of the episodic memory.

"withinerr <float>"
Statistics collected within e.g. 0.15 of the correct value.

Trace feature map parameters

"tracenc <nonnegative integer>"
Radius of the stored trace.

"tsettle <positive integer>"
How many settling iterations in memory retrieval.

"epsilon <positive float>"
If activity of trace map unit A is epsilon larger than B, a positive connection from B to A is formed.

"aliveact <positive float>"
If the response is oscillating and the lower value is less than aliveact, consider it a failed retrieval.

"minact <float>"
Lower threshold of the piecewise linear sigmoid approximation.

"maxact <float>"
Upper threshold of the piecewise linear sigmoid approximation.

"gammaexc <positive float>"
Magnitude of the excitatory lateral weight in the trace map (\gamma_E).

"gammainh <negative float>"
Magnitude of the inhibitory lateral weight in the trace map (\gamma_I).


The file "input-example" contains the example run discussed in detail in Chapter 11 of "Subsymbolic Natural Language Processing". Currently this is the only file allowed in the demo version of the program.

Credits etc.

Copyright (C) 1994 Risto Miikkulainen

This software can be copied, modified and distributed freely for educational and research purposes, provided that this notice is included in the code, and the author is acknowledged in any materials and reports that result from its use. It may not be used for commercial purposes without expressed permission from the author.

The software is provided as is, however, we will do our best to maintain it and accommodate suggestions. If you want to be notified of future releases of the software, or if you have questions, comments, bug reports or suggestions, send email to If you want to get more involved in building NLP systems, check out the rest of DISCERN and other software available from the UTCS Neural Networks research group.

Special thanks to Jimmy Jusuf for help in putting together the DISCERN demo and making it into a portable package under X11.
Last update: 1.5 1999/03/05 08:07:59 jbednar