CS 375: Program Files

You may use any of the files in the directory ~cs375/ as part of your assignments.

codgen.c Starter file for Code Generation assignment, C
codgen.lsp Starter file for Code Generation assignment, Lisp
driver.c C program to drive testing of graph1.pas
driver.s Assembly code output for driver.c
genasm.c Generate assembly code for Code Generation assignment
genasm.lsp Generate assembly code for Code Generation assignment
graph1.c graph1.pas rewritten in C
graph1.lex Example lexical analyzer output for graph1.pas
graph1.pas Pascal test program
graph1.sample Example of intermediate code for graph1.pas
graph1*.s Examples of generated code for graph1.pas
commentsinlex.txt Hint for doing comments using lex.
lexan.h .h file for Lexical Analyzer assignment
lexanc.c Driver to test Lexical Analyzer assignment
lexanl.c Driver to test Lex assignment
lex1.c Starter file for Lexical Analyzer assignment
lexasu.l Lex example from book, in usable form
lex2.l Starter file for Lex assignment
number.c Simple integer conversion program, C
number.lsp Simple integer conversion program, Lisp
opprec.c Operator precedence expression parser, C. See sme.c
opprec.lsp Operator precedence expression parser, Lisp
opprecc.lsp Operator precedence expression parser, simple version
pars1.c Starter file for Parser assignment, C version
pars1.h .h file for pars1.c
pars1.lsp Starter file for Parser assignment, Lisp version
pars1.y Starter file for Parser assignment, YACC version
parse.h .h file for Parser assignment, C version
pasc.pas Simple test file for record references
pasc.sample Example of output for pasc.pas
pasrec.pas Test file for record references
pasrec.sample Example of intermediate code for pasrec.pas
pasrec*.s Examples of generated code for pasrec.pas
pprint.c Pretty-printer for intermediate code
printtoken.c Printer for tokens for debugging
rpn.lsp Reverse Polish Notation programs
scanner.c Scanner functions for Lexical Analyzer, C
scanner.lsp Scanner functions for Lexical Analyzer, Lisp
scantst.pas Test inputs for Lexical Analyzer assignments
simcalc.y Simple desk calculator in YACC
sme.c Driver to test opprec.c
subst.c Substitute function in C
symtab.c Symbol table structures and code, C
symtab.txt Documentation of symbol table conventions
symtab.h .h file for symbol table
symtab.lsp Symbol table structures and code, Lisp
ta.msg Notes from TA on program submission and grading
token.txt Documentation of token conventions
token.h Token definitions for use with YACC and C
tokendefs.lsp Token definitions for use with Lisp
triv.pas A very trivial Pascal program for testing
triv.s Example of generated code for triv.pas
trivb.pas A trivial Pascal program for testing
trivb.tree Intermediate code tree diagram for trivb.pas