Examples of Resolution Step

  1. F1 = P &or R, F2 = ¬ P &or Q.
    Resolvent: R &or Q.
  2. F1 = ¬ P &or Q &or R, F2 = ¬ Q &or S.
    Resolvent: ¬ P &or R &or S.
  3. F1 = ¬ P &or Q, F2 = ¬ P &or R.
    Resolution not possible: no complementary literals.
  4. F1 = ¬ P &or Q &or S, F2 = P &or ¬ Q &or R.
    Resolution not useful: two complementary literals.

Example of a proof by resolution:
Show that Q is a logical consequence of P &and (P &rarr Q).

1. P premise
2. ¬ P &or Q premise
3. ¬ Q negated conclusion
4. Q from 1 and 2
5. from 3 and 4: Q.E.D.

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