Wheelchair Demo 3 - Revised 25 Sep 1999

Micheal Hewett and Emilio Remolina

Instructions for running Demo3

  1) Start LISP on any CS machine (we don't have
     it installed in the Robot Lab yet).
     (See http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/qr/algy/acl50.html)

  2) In LISP do:
      -  :cd /u/robot/ssh+/demo/control
      -  :ld control

  4) Answer 'Y' to the "autoload" question.
      - loads Algernon, SSH+ and the demo code

  5) Answer 'Y' to start the Flat display.
     You only need to start the display once.

       - You need to know what machine(s) you want
         to run the various components on.  Both
         the Flat display and the Flat simulator
         can run on either the CS Dept Sun
         machines, or on the Robot Lab Linux machines.

         Let's assume you will:
           - run LISP on 'feta.cs.utexas.edu'
           - run the Flat Display on 'feta'
           - run Flat on 'shadow.csres.utexas.edu'
             in the Robot Lab.
   6) Hit return to confirm 'feta.cs.utexas.edu' as
      the host of the Flat Display.  If it doesn't
      show 'feta.cs.utexas.edu' for some reason, enter
      it as the host.      

   7) Select 'arachne.cs.utexas.edu' as the configuration to copy.

   8) Hit return to confirm the other parameters and start 
      the Flat Display.  You may need to enter a password,
      if you are using another machine as the host.

   9) You should eventually see a message like:
        Flat Display is now accepting TCP connections on Port 1086

  10) The port number needs to match the port number in the
      file:   /u/robot/flat-root/flat4/.flat    (Sun)
              /home/hewett/research/flat-root/flat4/.flat (Linux)

      If it doesn't, copy the .flat file into your own directory
      and change the setting of the parameter  "Flat.DISPLAY_PORT".

      When starting the Flat Simulator, you will need to specify
      that you are using your own ".flat" file (see 13 below).

  11) Answer 'Y' after the Flat Display pops up.

  12) Enter 'shadow.csres.utexas.edu' as the host machine for
      the Flat Simulator.  (Don't include the quotes).

  13) Hit return to confirm all the other responses, unless you
      need to specify your own configuration file (".flat").

  14) You should see a lot of messages and the Flat Display
      should show a Robot in the middle of the environment.
      If it doesn't, something didn't work right.  If you
      need to start over, do this:

         CTRL-C  CTRL-C      -- this causes a LISP break

  15) If everything went well in Step 14, hit RETURN twice
      to start the demo.  

  16) Follow the instructions on the screen.

  17) When it says "Move Spot to the starting point", move
      it to the X in the Robot Lab by clicking the left mouse
      button on the X.  You may want to increase the View size
      to 2x to see better.  Use the "View" menu on the Flat
      Display to do that.

      Click the right mouse button above Spot to rotate it
      to face the central hallway.

  18) When it says "Wheelchair command?" enter:

         Go from corner-1 to elevator-1

  19) Spot should start moving.  When you are prompted for
      the current View, enter the View that it is expecting.
      The correct answers will be V0, V1, ..., V7.

  20) If the robot reaches V7 (the X near the Elevator),
      the demo will end.  If you want to end it earlier,
      type an incorrect answer to the "current view" question.

  21) When prompted for a wheelchair command, you can
      move the robot and run again, or else type 'Q' to quit.

  22) When you quit, the startup program will terminate Flat
      and the Flat Display will note that it is no longer
      connected to Flat.

  23) To run again, type (START-CONTROL-DEMO)

[Demo home]

Author: Micheal S. Hewett
Email: hewett@cs.utexas.edu
Last Updated: Saturday, September 25, 1999