MDELite Constraint Programs

The following database has an
m-n association between tables student and course.  Association normalization creates a third table takes that pairs the identifier of each student with the identifier of each course that student takes.  

There are many unique structural constraints to be verified in this database:
  1. No two students have the same name.
  2. Every takes tuple has a non-null student ID and a non-null course ID.
  3. Every takes tuple requires its student ID to correspond  to a tuple in the student table; same for course ID.
  4. No takes (cid,sid) pairs are duplicated.
But also some that are application-specific:
  1. The compilers and database courses must have a minimum enrollment of 2 students.
  2. Every student should take one course.
The examples in this document illustrate how each of these constraints can be evaluated.

Java Streams are stateless, so one has to create an operation that updates a stateful object which retains the list of errors that have been encountered.  This is an ErrorReport object, whose usage is:
ErrorReport er = new ErrorReport();

... er.add("this is error1");
... er.add("this is error2");

er.printReportEH(System.out); // throw exception if errors are reported
Table of Contents
  1. Writing an MDELite Constraint Program
  2. Checking Unique Tuple IDs
  3. Checking Field Value Uniqueness Constraints
  4. Checking Non-Null Fields 
  5. Checking Existence Constraints
  6. No Field-value Combinations are Duplicate
  7. Multi-Table Constraints 
  8. Multi-Table Constraints -- Joins

1: Writing an MDELite Constraint Program

All MDELite constraint-checking programs has the following preamble and structure:
import PrologDB.*;

public class DocConstraintExamplesTest {

public static void main(String... args) {
// Step 1: standard command-line processing
MDLUtilities.Marquee4Conform mark = new MDLUtilities.Marquee4Conform(DocConstraintExamplesTest.class, "", args);
String inputFileName = mark.getInputFileName();
String AppName = mark.getAppName();

// Step 2: open database to be validated + get needed tables
DB db =;
Table course = db.getTableEH("course");
Table student = db.getTableEH("student");
Table takes = db.getTableEH("takes");
ErrorReport er = new ErrorReport();

// Step 3: now perform database checks
// Step 4: finish by reporting collected errors
Step 1 reads the command-line arguments.  The Marquee4Conform does the work with the following arguments
Next, two values are extracted from the command-lines:
Step 2 opens the database (inputFileName), extracts the tables needed, and creates an error reporter to collect discovered errors.  

Step 3 evaluates constraints.  The examples below show code fragments that implement common constraints.

The last statement of a constraint-checking program is one of the following:

or more typically:

2: Checking Unique Tuple IDs

This is a test that is generally unneeded, given that tuple IDs are generated.  uniqueID a method whose sole purpose is to report duplicate values in the table id column, by definition the first column of the table. Here's how course table ids are checked:
        // Step 1: simplest way uses MDELite built-in support

// Step 2: a more general way -- that works for any column
String column = course.getIDName();
.error(er,"course table has multiple tuples with id='%s'",t->t.getId());

3: Checking Field Value Uniqueness Constraints

Another common constraint is that a column should have unique values for each tuple in a table, such as no two students have the same name (and that names cannot be null). Again, a Unique report object is used for this task.
        // Step 1: MDELite built-in support
student.isUnique("name", er);

// Step 2: more general way
.error(er,"multiple tuples in student have name='%s'",t->t.get("name"));

4: Checking Non-Null Fields 

Every takes tuple has a non-null student ID and a non-null course ID. A single method, isNotNull, can be used to verify that particular fields of a table are non-null.
        // Step 1: MDELite built-in support

// Step 2: manual way
Predicate cidIsNull = t -> t.isNull("cid");,"takes(%s...) has cid=null",t->t.getId());
takes.ifThen(t->t.isNull("sid"), "sid=null", er); // shorter way

5:  Checking Existence Constraints

An existence constraint asserts a tuple-id value in one table corresponds to an existing tuple in another. Example: the student ID in each takes tuple corresponds to a tuple in the student table.  Existence is checked by the exists method of MDELite.
        // Step 1: MDELite built-in support
takes.isLegit("cid", course, "cid", er);

// Step 2: Manual: compute a table of offending tuples>t.isNotNull("cid")).leftAntiSemiJoin("cid", course, "cid")
.error(er, "takes(%s,..) has invalid cid value (%s)", t->t.getId(),t->t.get("cid"));

// Step 3: really low-level -> t.isNotNull("cid") && (!course.exists("cid", t.get("cid"))))
.forEach(t -> {
er.add("takes(%s,..) has invalid cid value (%s)",
t.get("tid"), t.get("cid"));

6: No Field-Value Combinations are Duplicate

This is a generalization of unique field values, except now we are interested in combinations of fields. Here is how Constraint 4 could be written:
        // Step 1: create table with only cid and sid columns
.error(er,"tuples in takes with duplicate (%s,%s) values",t->t.get("cid"),t->t.get("sid"));

7: Multi-Table Constraints 

Constraint 5 counts the number of takes (really student) tuples enrolled in each database and compiler course and checks that at least 2 students are enrolled.  This is the first use of the method which converts a tuple, 'this', into a subtable of existing tuples to which it is related.  The number of tuples in this subtable is counted and tested whether or not it is < 2.
        // check constraint ->"name", "compilers") ||"name", "databases"))
.select(t -> t.join("cid", takes, "cid").count() < 2)
.error(er,"%s course does not have enough students", t->t.get("name"));

8: Multi-Table Constraints -- Joins

Constraint 6 joins tables student, takes, and courses to evaluate a required condition that every student is enrolled in one course.  This constraint is complicated enough to have multiple reasonable statements. One is:
        // check constraint
student.forEach(s -> {
Table shortTakes = s.rightSemiJoin("sid", takes, "sid");
Table joined = shortTakes.join("cid", course, "cid");
if (joined.count() == 0) {
er.add("student %s is not taking a course", s.get("name"));
Another is:
        Table student = db.getTableEH("student");
Table takes = db.getTableEH("takes");
Table course = db.getTableEH("course");
Table tc = takes.join("cid", course, "cid"); -> s.rightSemiJoin("sid", tc, "takes.sid").count() == 0)
.error(er,"student %s is not taking a course", s->s.get("name"));

And a third is:
        Table student = db.getTableEH("student");
Table takes = db.getTableEH("takes"); -> s.rightSemiJoin("sid", takes, "sid").count() == 0)
.error(er,"student %s is not taking a course", s->s.get("name"));