CS 314 - Specification 10 - Huffman Coding and Compression

Programming Assignment 10:   (Pair Assignment) You may work with one other person on this assignment using the pair programming technique. If you work with a partner, you must work with someone in the same section as you. You can complete the assignment on your own if you wish. If you use slip days each partner must have the required number of slip days or the assignment is a 0.

You and your partner may not acquire from any source (e.g.  another student or an internet site) a partial or complete solution to a problem or project that has been assigned. You and your partner may not show other students your solution to an assignment. You may not have another person (current student other than your partner, former student, tutor, friend, anyone) “walk you through” how to solve an assignment. You may get help from the instructional staff. You may discuss general ideas and approaches with other students. Review the class policy on collaboration from the syllabus. If you took CS314 in previous semester you may not reuse any code from your previous attempt at the assignment unless you worked alone in the past and are working alone this semester.

 The purposes of this assignment are:

  1. to use and build multiple data structures to solve an interesting problem

Restriction: You may not use the Java PriorityQueue class in any way on this assignment. You are expected to implement your own PriorityQueue314 without looking at any outside resources. You may, but are not required to, use the Java LinkedList or Java ArrayList as your internal storage container for your PriorityQueue.

Many, many thanks to Owen Astrachan of Duke University for allowing me to use and modify his version of this assignment.


  1. Print (or open) the assignment page and the howto page.
  2. Download the starter code by downloading the HuffmanSource.zip file.
  3. Download the zip files calgary, waterloo, and BooksAndHTML.
  4. Refer to this page for the documentation for the provided classes and starter code.
  5. Finally download the various test files from below to test your program.


There is a lot to do. This is a complicated problem and program. Start early. Read the documentation for the provided classes and the how-to. Ask question on Ed and in help hours.

Because the compression scheme involves reading and writing in bits as opposed to a chars or Strings, the program can be hard to debug. In order to facilitate the design/code/test cycle, you should take care to develop the program in an incremental fashion. If you try to write the whole program at once, it will be difficult to get a completely working program. Past students have suffered much pain because they made an error in the code they wrote early, their PriorityQueue for example, didn't test it, and spent HOURS trying to find the bug. The howto development section has more information on incremental development.

I have also provided a few files the data portion only of a file as the characters '0' and '1' along with spaces as separator characters. These can be used to check part of your work.

Finally, some students have suggested they understood the file format much better after doing the decoder first and the encoder second. Your mileage may vary, but doing the decoder may make doing the encoder easier. (I think whatever you do second, decoder or encoder, will be easier than what you do first.)


Implement a program that performs Huffman coding and compression on files of any type by reading in the file a byte at a time and interpreting the bytes as ints. You are given a number of classes to start with. Your solution will use many different classes. This is a difficult assignment. The hardest (and most rewarding) of the semester. I strongly urge you to work with a partner you know and trust AND to start early.

For a review of Huffman coding see the class slides. Note, your actual results will be different than the first example in the middle of slides because the period character will be before any of the other letters in the initial priority queue AND because the example does not show the PSEUDO - EOF character with a frequency of 1.

Your algorithm output shall match the example at the end of the slides.


There are many techniques used to compress digital data. This assignment implements the Huffman coding algorithm.

The MP3 codec uses Huffman encoding as one of the steps of the algorithm.

Huffman coding was invented by David Huffman while he was a graduate student at MIT in 1950 when given the option of a term paper or a final exam. For details see this 1991 Scientific American Article. In an autobiography Huffman had this to say about the epiphany that led to his invention of the coding method that bears his name:

"-- but a week before the end of the term I seemed to have nothing to show for weeks of effort. I knew I'd better get busy fast, do the standard final, and forget the research problem. I remember, after breakfast that morning, throwing my research notes in the wastebasket. And at that very moment, I had a sense of sudden release, so that I could see a simple pattern in what I had been doing, that I hadn't been able to see at all until then. The result is the thing for which I'm probably best known: the Huffman Coding Procedure. I've had many breakthroughs since then, but never again all at once, like that. It was very exciting."

Huffman's original paper is available, though it's a tough read. The Wikipedia reference is extensive. Both jpeg and mp3 encodings use Huffman Coding as part of their compression algorithms. In this assignment you'll implement a program to encode and decode files using a Huffman coding algorithm, hopefully resulting in a smaller, compressed file.

Assignment Overview

Build a program that performs two related tasks: compressing (huff) files and  uncompressing (unhuff) files that are compressed by the first part of the program. This is done via a single program with the choice of compressing a file or uncompressing a file specified by choosing a menu-option in the GUI front-end to the code you write. Abstractly you're writing a program to read an input file and create a corresponding output file --- either from uncompressed to compressed or vice versa.

The Huff class is a simple main that launches a GUI (or a text based interface) with a connected IHuffProcessor implementation. The implementation corresponds to an object oriented model named the model-view architecture or pattern. In this pattern the view/(GUI or text interface) makes calls on the model/IHuffProcessor methods which in turn may display information in the view/(GUI or text interface). The code you write will also create files of compressed or uncompressed data when the GUI or text interface front end calls methods you will write. You'll implement methods and store state (instance variables) in your IHuffProcessor implementation so that it can either compress/huff or uncompress/unhuff. You should implement additional classes to break the problem up into smaller, more manageable pieces and prevent repeated code. You should have a class that models a Huffman code tree, and a priority queue. You may find it useful to have separate classes to manage the details of compression (Compressor) and decompression (Decompress) but this is not required. With these additional classes the SimpleHuffProcessor remains relatively small.

The  howto for this assignment contains a lot of details and explanations.

The resulting program will be a complete and useful compression program although not, perhaps, as powerful as other programs such as winrar or zip which use different algorithms resulting in a higher degree of compression than Huffman coding in most instances.

Important Constraints: These will make more sense after you get going on the assignment. These constraints are necessary to test and grade your program.

  1. When INITIALLY adding number / frequency pairs in your TreeNodes to your priority queue, you must add them in ascending order based on the number represented by the chunk of bits from the original file. In other words add 0 and the frequency of 0, 1 and the frequency of  1, and so forth for all frequencies greater than 0. Again, refer to the example at the END of the Huffman Encoding slides. Not the middle.
  2. Your priority queue must handle ties in priority in a fair way. This means when adding an item to the queue with a priority equal to other items in the queue, the new item must go behind the items already present.

    Consider this example. (Note, I am showing letters as values for clarity. The values in your TreeNodes shall be ints not chars. You are reading the data from the file and treating them as NUMBERS, not letters.)

    The front of the queue is on the left and the back of the queue is on the right. An items priority is based on the integer shown. The lower the integer the higher the priority.

    FRONT [[X, 1], [A, 6], [E, 6], [S, 10]] BACK

    now enqueue [Y, 6]. This value must come after the [E, 6], but before the [S,10]

    resulting priority queue after enqueuing [Y, 6]

    FRONT [[X, 1], [A, 6], [E, 6], [Y, 6], [S, 10]] BACK

    This means you cannot use the Java PriorityQueue class because it breaks ties in an arbitrary manner. When enqueueing an element it may jump in front of elements already present in the queue with the same priority. You are restricted from using the Java PriorityQueue class in any way on this assignment. You must implement your own priority queue that breaks ties in a fair way meaning in the case of ties we go by the order elements are added to the queue, first in first out, last in last out.
  3. When dequeueing elements from the priority queue to build the Huffman code tree the first element dequeued must be the left child of the new node and the second element dequeued must be the right child of the new node.
  4. Do NOT rely on the reset method from the Java InputStream class. The test harness uses an InputStream that does not support that method and simply throws an exception. You will fail many, many tests if you rely on the Java InputStream reset method.

The Huffman Compression Process

The Howto compression section has complete information on how to create a compressed file. Create a Huffman tree to derive per-chunk encodings, then write bits based on these encodings. The Huff main program has a GUI front-end whose menu offers four choices: count chunk values, compress, uncompress, and quit as a fourth choice.

The count option is a diagnostics and "what if" tool.  It counts chunks, generates Huffman codes, and determines the number of bits in the resulting file if it were to be written using the new Huffman Codes determined by this method along with all required header data. This option does not actually write any data out to a new file. Note, to determine the number of bits saved, the number of bits written includes ALL bits that will be written including the magic number, the header format number, the header to reproduce the tree, AND the actual data.

The compress option performs the same operations as the count characters option, but also writes the data out to a file. Note, the compress option in the HuffViewer will first call the preprocess compress method BEFORE calling the compress method. The user is NOT required to call count before compress. The interface will call preprocessCompress and the compress if the user selects the compress option.

Your SimpleHuffProcessor has a reference back to the HuffViewer. It shall make calls to the HuffViewer showError, showMessage, and update methods to display the status, codes, and other information. Do not use System.out.println, use the methods from the HuffViewer.

In the code you turn in, only make reference to the data type IHuffViewer. Do not refer to any potential implementations of IHuffViewer such as GUIHuffViewer. There is no guarantee any particular implementation of IHuffViewer will be used when we grade.

The Huffman Decompression Process

The uncompress option is used to decompress a file. The uncompress method returns the number of bits written to the output file. It also uncompresses the compressed file.

To uncompress a file your program previously compressed you'll need to read header information from the compressed file your program (or other versions of the Huffman compressor) creates. The header information is data used to recreate the Huffman tree that was originally used to compress the data. Your code will then read one-bit-at-a-time to uncompress the data and recreate the original file. There's information in the howto uncompress section on doing this.

Read the header information to recreate the tree, then do a tree-walk one bit at a time to find the characters stored in the leaves of the Huffman tree. Each time you find a leaf, write the value to the output (and if debugging, to the HuffView interface.). This process recreates the original, uncompressed file.

The uncompress option is used to decompress a file.

Empirical Analysis

Run the program HuffMark which will read every file in a directory and compress it to another file in the same directory with a ".hf" suffix. The HuffMark program does not provide a viewer for your SimpleHuffProcessor so you have to comment out any calls to showString or viewer.showMessage. You can leave in the calls to showError assuming you won't suffer any errors. The method calls may be in other classes if you created separate Compressor and Decompressor classes.

You may want to modify this benchmarking program to print more data than it currently does, and to run it on the calgary directory which represents the Calgary Corpus, a standard compression suite of files for empirical analysis. See this reference for comparisons of the Calgary Corpus, and the waterloo directory which is a collection of .tiff images used in some compression benchmarking, and on the BooksAndHTML directory which contains a number of text files and html documents. All of those collections are in zip files which you must download and unzip. You can, of course, run on other data/collections.

The benchmarking program skips files with .hf suffixes, but you may want to eventually remove this restriction . (In other words, what happens if you take a compressed file and try and compress it again?) In your assignment write-up discuss your benchmark results and provide some insight as to their meaning. Your analysis is worth 15% of your grade on this assignment, so you should try to come to some conclusions in addition to simply listing your results.

Some Results From my version of the program.

When I run HuffMark on the BooksAndHTML directory I get these results (Note, your times DO NOT have to be close to these.):

HuffMark Output for Huffman Code / Compression assignments - CS314

My solution to the problem, which supports the standard count headers and the tree headers, consists of 4 classes in addition to the SimpleHuffProcessor with on the order of 650 lines including code, blank lines, lines with single braces, and comments. (lots of comments)


  File Responsibility
Starter Code HuffmanSource.zip A zip file with the given classes to use in the assignment. You will make significant additions to SimpleHuffProcessor. Do not make any changes to the other given classes or interfaces. Your solution shall follow good object oriented design. Create new classes as necessary. Do not stick all your code into SimpleHuffProcessor. Unless you like losing hygiene points. Provided by me and you
Guide The Huffman HOWTO page is a guide to help you complete the assignment. It gives an overview of the various parts of the assignment. And a second howto written by a past TA, Claire. (Here is the original, hand written version which I find charming.) Provided by me
Sample Output There is a GUI implementation of IHuffViewer and a text based implementation of the same interface. By default the Huff.java program creates a GUI interface. This can be easliy changed by commenting out one line and commenting in the next line in the main method of Huff.java.

If you use the text based interface to work on the assignment here is some sample output from the interface.
Provided by me
Documentation Documentation for the provided, non standard Java classes. You will have to refer to the documentation a great deal. Provided by me
Small Test File The small text file contains "Eerie eyes seen near lake."

smallTxt.txt, SmallTxtCountHeader.txt.hf, and SmallTxtTreeHeader.txt.hf. Small sample file to use when incrementally developing your program. smallTextsFreqsAndCodes.txt contains the expected frequencies and Huffman codes for this file.

Here is the complete small text file with 1s and 0s shown as chars, not stored as bits:

You can use this ExplicitBitOutputWriter.java class to convert any file to a file with ASCII 0's and 1's. This is useful when looking at small files. You can compare files in Eclipse to find differences. See this page for instructions. Of course there are other programs that allow you to view the data in a file as raw 1's and 0's such as xxd on variations of Unix.

You may also find it useful to use a program that has the ability to view files as raw hexadecimal values. I use TextPad but of course there are many options.

Note: Expected return values for smallTxt.txt are:
Standard Count Format:                Standard Tree Format:  
preprocessCompress returns -8138      preprocessCompress returns -120
compress returns 8346                 compress returns 328

Provided by me
Large Test File The 2008 CIA Factbook. The ciaFactbook2008FreqsAndCodes.txt contains the expected frequencies and Huffman codes for this file, plus the standard tree for that file. ciaFactbook2008.txt.hf is the compressed file using the standard count format. ciaFactbook2008_stf.txt.hf is the compressed file using the standard tree format.

Take great care to download the text and be sure the file is not altered in the process. Do not open in a web browser and copy and paste. This version of the CIA Factbook uses ASCII / Unicode value 10 for newlines. As opposed to the Windows standard of ASCII / Unicode values 10 and 13 for new lines. None of the byte values in the text equal 13. If you are getting any count other than 0 for value 13, you have a corrupted version of the CIA Factbook. If you copy and paste or open up and then save the file in Windows then, you system or software may add in an extra character for new lines. Be sure the size of the CIA Factbook file on your system is 9,637,228 bytes exactly.

Note: Expected return values for ciaFactbook2008.txt are:
Standard Count Format:                Standard Tree Format:  
preprocessCompress returns 28867432   preprocessCompress returns 28874526
compress returns 48230392             compress returns 48223298

Explicit Bit Version of the header (no actual compressed data) Standard Count Format (8256 bits)and Standard Tree Format (1130 bits) for the CIA Factbook. These can be useful for debugging.

Provided by me
Large Test Files

Here are a couple of files to test your de-compressor. I am not giving you the original file.
mystery_count.jpg.hf (uses count header), mystery_tree.bmp.hf (uses tree header), mystery2.bmp.hf.

Provided by me
Test Framework and Files Another way to test your file: A10_Huffman_Test_Student_Version. This is the similar in nature to the test harness we will use when testing your submission. There are difference and of course we will use different files. Instead of using the A GUI or text based interface we use this implementation of IHuffViewer, a DoNothingHuffViewer when running the test harness. I recommend you create a separate package in your Eclipse project for these test files OR a whole different project from your working code.

To use the harness you need to download the bevotest.jar file created by John Thywissen (former CS314 TA who wrote the testing framework we use to grade programs). bevotest.jar is a collection of code you need for the A10_Huffman_Test_Student_Version to work. (The jar contains various .class files.) See this page for info on how to include a jar in your Eclipse project.

Finally you need the test files in this zip file. Download and unzip the file to your Eclipse project folder.

Provided by me
Files for Analysis calgary.zip, waterloo.zip, and BooksAndHTML.zip zip files with lots of large files to test your finished program. Unzip the files and use the HuffMark program / class to test your solution. Links provided by me
Write Up README.txt Write up will be an analysis of your experiments. What kinds of file lead to lots of compressions. What kind of files had little or no compression? What happens when you try and compress a huffman code file? Provided by you
Yet More Test Files A zip with 6 more test files, the compressed files in SCF and STF, and text results of counts and codes from a former student and TA, Skyler V.  
All Files All files except documentation in one zip. Provided by me
Submission In the code you turn in, only make reference to the data type IHuffViewer. Do not refer to any potential implementations of IHuffViewer such as GUIHuffViewer. There is no guarantee any particular implementation of IHuffViewer will be used when we grade. Provided by you

Submission: Add the standard header to the SimpleHuffProcessor.java and copy it into the classes your create for the assignment.  Replace <NAME1> with your name and <NAME2> with your partner's name if working with a partner. Note, you are stating, on your honor, that you did the assignment on your own or with your partner.

Turn in all the required files to the proper assignment on GradeScope.

Checklist:  Did you remember to:

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