Infinitary Equilibrium Logic and Strong Equivalence (2015)
Amelia Harrison, Vladimir Lifschitz, David Pearce, and Agustin Valverde
Strong equivalence of logic programs is an important concept in the theory of answer set programming. Equilibrium logic was used to show that propositional formulas are strongly equivalent if and only if they are equivalent in the logic of here-and-there. We extend equilibrium logic to formulas with infinitely long conjunctions and dis- junctions, define and axiomatize an infinitary counterpart to the logic of here-and-there, and show that the theorem on strong equivalence holds in the infinitary case as well.
In Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 13th International Conference (LPNMR), Francesco Calimeri, Giovambattista Ianni, Miroslaw Truszczynski (Eds.) 2015.

Amelia Harrison Ph.D. Alumni ameliaj [at] cs utexas edu
Vladimir Lifschitz Faculty vl [at] cs utexas edu