Computer Organization and Architecture -- CS 429 -- Homepage


       Unique Numbers:  52915, 52920, 52935, 52940, 52945, 52960, 52965
           Class Room:  GDC 2.216 for Unique Numbers:  52915, 52920, 52935
           Class Room:  BUR 106   for Unique Numbers:  52940, 52945, 52960, 52965

           Class Days:  Monday, Wednesday

           Class Time:  9:00 am -- 10:50 am for Unique Numbers:  52915, 52920, 52935
           Class Time:  noon    --  1:50 pm for Unique Numbers:  52940, 52945, 52960, 52965

     Laboratory Times:  52940:  Wednesday,  9:00 am -- 10:50 am, SZB 370
                        52960:  Wednesday,  2:00 pm --  3:50 pm, JGB 2.218

                        52915:  Friday,     9:00 am -- 10:50 am, CLA 1.104
                        52945:  Friday,     9:00 am -- 10:50 am, CLA 1.104

                        52920:  Friday,    11:00 am -- 12:50 pm, GSB 2.124

                        52935:  Friday,     2:00 pm --  3:50 pm, BUR 112
                        52965:  Friday,     2:00 pm --  3:50 pm, BUR 112

       Class Textbook:  Computer Systems, A Programmer's Perspective, 2nd Edition
     Textbook Authors:  Randal E. Bryant and David O'Hallaron
        Textbook ISBN:  0-13-610804-0

          Instructors:  "Warren A. Hunt, Jr." <>
                        "William D. Young" <>
     Office Locations:  Hunt:  GDC 7.818, Young:  GDC 7.810

         Office Hours:  One of the TAs or Instructors will be
                        available in GDC 3rd floor atrium:
                        Monday:    3-6:45pm (3-5 Ben; 5-7 Warren)
                        Tuesday:   3-5pm (Robert)
                        Wednesday: 3-6:45pm (3-5 Cuong; 5-7 Warren)
                        Thursday:  3-7pm (3-5 Robert; 5-7 Wei-Ju)
                        Friday:    3-7pm (3-5 Keshav; 5-7 Ji)

                        In addition, Dr. Young has office hours in GDC
                        7.810 on Mondays from noon-1pm and Wed. from

  Teaching Assistants:  "Cuong Chau" <>
                        "Ji Hong" <>
                        "Keshav Kini" <>
                        "Wei-Ju Chen" <>
                        "Ben Selfridge" <>

     TA Announcements:  Use

Class Announcements

Below are links to the course announcement, syllabus, and homework assignments. Additional information will incrementally appear during the semester.

Everytime you start to work, check this page! This Webpage and the Webpages with the URL prefix "" that are transitively reachable from this Webpage are the definitive resource for assignments, laboratories, and other class-related issues. There are some pointers outside of this URL prefix. For instance, Piazza is referenced, and this discussion forum is not part of the definitive source of class-related information.

To the best of our current knowledge, the final exams are:

You should probably confirm this for yourself at the UT Registrar's website.

Fair Warning: There will be a quiz this week (week of 11/17), given in the discussion sections.

Important Comment for Laboratory 2B: There is a discrepancy between the book's version of MRMOVL and that of the ACL2-based class programming tools. For unknown reasons, we changed the assembler and simulator from what is shown in the book on page 338 to work as if RegA is the source register pointer and that RegB is the destination register. In fact, if you make a syntactic mistake when coding the MRMOVL instruction, you will see that the usage of RegA and RegB is swapped. That is, the implementation of the MRMOVL instruction updates target register RegB with the contents of the address specified by adding displacement D to the contents of RegA.

rm32( D + contents(RegA) ) -> RegB

Note, this instruction was not used on the exam, so you would not have made a mistake decoding this instruction on the exam. But, this may have confused your programming if you choose to use this instruction for your laboratory. It was not necessary to use this instruction for Laboratory 2A. However, you will need this instruction to implement the "block copy" routine in Laboratory 2B. Please consider this issue carefully, and use the semantics shown just above (different than in the textbook) to implement your Laboratory 2B solution.

See this link for the midterm exam solutions.

See this link for the first exam solutions. Note that there are 10 pages because of the different values for the two classes.

This is the Y86 ISA help sheet shown in Young's class: Y86 Help Sheet.

Links to Class Materials

Below are links to information about this CS429 class.

  • Course Announcement

  • Syllabus included in this Webpage.

  • Lectures and detailed syllabus

  • Course Homework and Laboratory Assignments