Mohamed G. Gouda CS 313K Fall 2012 Exercise 8 1. A connected planar graph G has 6 vertices of degree 4 each. How many regions does G have? Explain. Sol: Let n be the number of vertices in G, e be the number of edges in G, and r be the number of regions in G. From Handshake Theorem, 2e = (sum over v in G, deg(v)) = 6*4 = 24 e = 12 From Euler's Formula, n-e+r = 2 6-12+r = 2 r = 8 2. Let G be a connected planar graph that has e edges and r regions. Show, by direct inference, that 2e >= 3r. Sol: T => {Region Handshake Theorem} (2e >= sum over r.i in G, rdeg(r.i)) => {For every r.i, rdeg(r.i) >= 3} (2e >= sum over r.i in G, rdeg(r.i)) and (sum over r.i in G, rdeg(r.i) >= 3r) => {Arithmetics} (2e >= 3r) 3. Let K3,3 be the complete bipartite graph with 6 vertices and 9 edges. Show, by contradiction, that K3,3 is non-planar. Sol: Let n be the number of vertices in K3,3, e be the number of edges in K3,3, and r be the number of regions in K3,3. K3,3 is a connected planar graph => {n=6 and e=9 and by Euler's Formula, 6-9+r=2} (e = 9) and (r = 5) => {K3,3 has no cycle of length 3 or less. Thus, rdegree of each region in K3,3 is at least 4. Then, from the Region Handshake Theorem, 2e >= 4r. Then e >= 10} (e = 9) and (e >= 10) => F 4. Let G be a connected planar graph with n vertices (where n >= 3), e edges (where e >= 5), r regions, and no cycle of length 4 or less. Show that e =< (5n - 10)/3 Sol: Because e >= 5 and G has no cycle of length 4 or less, the rdegrees of each region in G is at least 5. From the Region Handshake Theorem, 2e >= (sum over r.i in G, rdeg(r.i)) >= 5r (1) From Euler's Formula, r = 2-n+e (2) From (1) and (2), 2e >= 5*(2-n+e) 3e =< 5n - 10 e =< (5n - 10)/3 5. Let A, B, and C be three sets. Show, by direct inference, that (A sub B) and (B sub C) => (A sub C) Sol: x in A => {A sub B} x in B => {B sub C} x in C 6. Let A and B be two sets. Show, by two direct inference proofs, that (A sub B) <=> (PS(A) sub PS(B)) where PS(A) is the power set of A. Sol: Proving => x in PS(A) => {Definition of PS(A)} x sub A => {From A sub B and from the previous Problem} x sub B => {Definition of PS} x in PS(B) Proving <= T => {Theorem 1; see below} A in PS(A) => {From PS(A) sub PS(B)} A in PS(B) => {Definition of PS(B)} A sub B Proving Theorem 1: A in PS(A) T => {Theorem 2; see below} A sub A => {Definition of PS(A)} A in PS(A) Proving Theorem 2: A sub A x in A => {For every predicate P, P => P} x in A 7. Let A and B be two sets. Prove, by two-sided inference, that PS(A^B) = PS(A) ^ PS(B) where PS(A) is the power set of A. Sol: x in (PS(A) ^ PS(B)) <=> {Definition of ^} (x in PS(A)) and (x in PS(B)) <=> {Definition of PS} (x sub A) and (x sub B) <=> {Theorem; see below} (x sub A^B) <=> {Definition of PS} (x in PS(A^B)) Proving Theorem ((x sub A) and (x sub B)) => (x sub A^B) 1. Proving =>: y in x => {(x sub A) and (x sub B)} (y in A) and (y in B) => {definition of "^"} y in A^B 2. Proving <=: y in x => {(x sub A^B)} y in A^B => {definition of A^B} (y in A) and (y in B) 8. Let A be a set and * be the Cartesian Product operator. Show, by contradiction, that A*{} = {}. Sol: A*{} != {} => {Definition of "!= {}"} (Exist (x,y) in A*{}) => {Definition of *} (Exist x in A) and (Exist y in {}) => {not(Exist y in {})} (Exist x in A) and (Exist y in {}) and not(Exist y in {}) => F 9. Let A be a set and c(A) be the complement of set A. Show, by two-sided inference, that c(c(A)) = A. Sol: x in c(c(A)) <=> {Definition of the "c" set operator} not(x in c(A)) <=> {Definition of the "c" set operator} not(not(x in A)) <=> {not(not(Predicate P)) = P} x in A 10. Let A and B be two sets, and let "v", "^", and "c" be the union, intersection, and complement set operators (respectively). Show, by two-sided inference, that c(c(A) v c(B)) = A ^ B Sol: x in c(c(A) v c(B)) <=> {definition of the "c" set operator} not (x in (c(A) v c(B))) <=> {definition of the "v" set operator} not ((x in c(A)) or (x in c(B)) <=> {definition of the "c" set operator} not (not(x in A) or not(x in B)) <=> {De Morgan's} ((x in A) and (x in B)) <=> {definition of the "^" set operator} x in (A ^ B)