To convert a color RGB image to grayscale, use ‘rgb2gray’. 


For example:


im = imread(‘image.bmp’);  % im is m x n x 3 matrix of RGB values

grayim = rgb2gray(im);       % grayim is m x n matrix of intensities





An example to show the image and plot a line from houghlines on top of it, based on the endpoints returned:


%… get lines with houghlines, say there are two:


lines =


1x2 struct array with fields:






% to plot the first one, extract the endpoints from the struct


x1 = lines(1).point1(1);

y1 = lines(1).point1(2);


x2 = lines(1).point2(1);

y2 = lines(1).point2(2);



hold on;


plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], ‘r.-‘);  % draws red line connecting two points, with dots at the endpoints